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I have had two books go lost that were coming to me this summer. They were both mailed the third week in May and still haven't gotten here. |
I just had four books here go lost on me within the past month! I am beginning to suspect that I have been scammed. Upon looking at two of the people's bookshelf when notified the book went "lost" , neither has any books and about 30-40 books on their wishlist. Why can't we find out this stuff BEFORE we send a book? Another one claimed she didn't get the book but upon looking at her bookshelf, there it was posted right around the date it should have arrived. I can't prove it was my book, but certainly suspicious and it was removed when I questioned her. The other may be lost. I don't know what's going on, but I've sent out hundreds of books and now there is this whole spurt of "lost" books. Ridiculous. Something is going on that's not right and people are getting away with it. So, I am not only out a book, a credit, but the postage, too. I guess I am going to have to start using DC and hope that works. I've also been having empty envelopes sent back to me by the post office "missing contents". This is on another site where a small group of individuals trade books. What is interesting is that the envelope has been slit open at the top. If the post office inspected it, they didn't seal it back up because my packages are wrapped heavily with packing tape. They couldn't have come open themselves. So, those books are lost too. Funny thing is, the notices and returned envelopes all come from the processing plant in Atlanta. Anyways, that's my rant and bad luck with lost books lately. I hope yours doesn't get any worse and mine soon stops. |
I lost one book where the DC told it has been delivered but the member said it never arrived.
Yes, I've had two books go lost in the same week this summer. Only had one other lost book and it really wasn't lost since it finally did show up, it was just delayed so to speak. Really bothered me that these two books went lost. I was looking forward to receiving them and they are not frequently posted books. I always wonder............. Where do all these lost books end up? Are they delivered to the wrong house? Are they lost in a corner of the huge post office? Under the seat of the mailman's truck? Donated to the library for the next booksale? Just makes you wonder because the package has two addresses on it, if it was delivered to the wrong place, it would be easy to get it returned to one of those addresses. Just makes you wonder........................ |
Only one that was marked lost, although the sender did PM me that it was mailed, she just forgot to mark it as such. (Still has not arrived) |
Just makes you wonder because the package has two addresses on it, if it was delivered to the wrong place, it would be easy to get it returned to one of those addresses. Unfortunately media rate does not guarantee return delivery if it can't be delivered to the recipient's address. It often ends up in the lost mail center in Atlanta or else is trashed. |
I've had media mail returned. It's just not free--you have to pay the return postage to get your book out of hock. I thought it was first class: free return, media mail: paid return, BPM (*grr* can't use anymore): no return |
I haven't had any books lost that I mailed out since I joined 9/06, have had only one apparently lost in the mail that was being sent to me and I automatically received my credit back from PBS. Now I geuss I have to "knock on wood" since I have stated this!! :) |
You are right Kayote - media mail IS returned to sender - postage due. I've only had one book "lost" in all the ones I've sent and received. Sometimes I think I just have good book karma!! |
No lost books this summer. I've had very good luck in general with lost books -- only two coming to me that have been flat-out lost, and one which was "lost" but which I know was eaten by a postal machine (because the sender got an empty, mangled envelope back), and none from me that have gone lost. I am going to knock on some wood right now. ;-> I have, however, had some books both to and from me that have taken the FULL time getting to their destinations. One MMP that I sent first class was within a day of being "lost" when it finally got to the requestor. This summer, however, things have been pretty fast. Knock wood again! |
I just had one but I suspect it was never mailed. And I concede that might be just irationality on my part, but sender took the full 5 days to accept and then chose the last possible mail date and didn't mark it mailed until then. Now I have done the latter myself I always choose the latest date just to be safe and maybe twice I have actually not gotten to mail the book until that date. But I just felt like either they were uber busy or something and it never got mailed. It was a wishlisted book which I have since gotten from another member, if they relist it will go to the next person. I would think Summertime would be the least lost books, at least from the PO perspective.
I had two books lost en route to Alaska, but they finally showed up and the recipient marked them received. I did sign up for DC, but no one has requested any books from me since I signed up for it. |
I had two on the way go lost from the same sender. One is getting close to the deadline now. |
I've had one book "lost" but the receiving members bookshelf has been on hold forever, so I think she has received the book but not marked it. I got my credit anyway, so it was no big whoop to me, except for the fact unless something out of their control happened to them, it is pretty crappy to pull this on anyone. In two years I have only had one book go "lost" on it's way to me, and I still feel bad about that. Maybe I am just lucky? Or it could be I mail all my packages from work, my home mail service sucks. I can not tell you how many bills have never showed up in my mailbox. When my son was in college out of state, I actually received his April power bill after his May power bill. |
I have been pretty lucky, I have mailed out 42 books and none of them have gone lost. I have had only one book get lost on its way to me, and that one was only coming from a few miles away! Of all of my transactions the one coming from another city in the same state should have been painless! Oh well, I wonder where that one went? :) |
I just ordered one from you, Pattie, so you can try out that DC (if you want!). :-> |
One three for one deal that was coming my way never arrived, and my pm to the member was never answered. I was bummed, because it was a project book for my eldest. |
So far none that I've mailed have gone lost (knock on wood) but I have had 1 coming to me go lost and a second about to as well. Which is odd since it hasn't happened before but now possibly 2 in a little under a month. Weird. Last Edited on: 7/27/07 2:06 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
I've had one go lost coming to me but, like others, I suspect it was never mailed. No correspondence from the mailer when I PM'd her. And no books on her shelf newer than last year. She took the full 5 days to accept it and the full time to mark it mailed. I'm pretty sure I was scammed. The one that really bothers me is happening right now. I sent a book at the beginning of July, first class mail. The person still has not received it. Or so she says. I question this because when I PM'd her to let her know I mailed it first class and she should have it sooner than media mail (this was about 2 weeks after it was mailed) she never PM'd back. When I PM'd her again after 3 weeks had passed she was VERY rude. Not only that but she doesn't seem to give a whit whether she gets the book or not - and it's not a mass market PB that you can buy at Wal-Mart either. Anyhow, it's got another 2 days before she gets her credit back, I get nothing and it gets reported lost. I'm sure she already has it. In fact, I might just go take a look on her shelf! Other than that, I've got two sets that seem to be taking its sweet time to get to the recipient. Hopefully nothing will get lost there because that's another 4 credits!! Last Edited on: 7/27/07 3:43 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
I have had 5 books lost en route to me since May and one more about to go lost. I have received tons of other books mailed to me and received in the same time frame, though, so I'm not sure what's goin on. I've never had that many go missing before! One of them was from someone who is "no longer a member." There is also a book that I requested, it timed out as lost, I requested the same title again (from another member), and now it is lost...again! (I'm just going to assume that I'm not meant to read that book!) I also have one that the requestor used DC, and the little mail truck shows it being here, but it hasn't showed up! I'm beginning to worry that I am going to get in trouble because so many books have come up lost lately. I'm still hoping some of them show up. |
I've had three lost on their way to me (out of a total of about 85 requests), and none lost outgoing (out of over 100). I was thinking dark thoughts about my mailman, but it hadn't occurred to me to check up on the senders and their status, so I could be wrong in blaming him. Still, I feel a little guilty about them, in case it really is my local P.O personnel. I'm in a big city, so they're very busy. |
I had three I requested go missing - two in April, one in June. I think it was most likely the post office, and time of year makes no difference as to that happening. I've noticed getting more and more books that look like they were opened and resealed, even one that had a slit at the top that someone apparently forgot to tape over - they all had those post office inspection stickers on them, but luckily the books were all okay, except one that was so obviously opened and resealed (they even taped over all the stamps, then put the postal inspection sticker over the taping, and the way they taped it was ridged and creased the book cover. I don't believe any of them were the fault of the sender, including the lost ones. Not alway good to presume the sender must be scamming or at fault. In a way, it's good that a lot of books now are cheaper to send First-Class, so they will avoid the postal inspection and subject to opening and resealing, I think. |
I haven't had any go lost (knock on wood), but I have noticed that shipping times have slowed down a bit over he summer. Do you think it's because people are on vacation and they have temps filling in who may not know the job as well??? |