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Favorite Recipes: apple dump cake

Recipe Author

Name: Lynda B.
Total Recipes: 3



apple dump cake

Dish: Cakes
Dish Type: Other
Cooking Method: Baked
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Prep Time:
Cook Time:


Apple Dump Cake

2 cans apple pie filling
2 sticks butter (melted)
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 white or yellow cake mix (dry)
Pecans for topping

Combine pie filling, sugar and cinnamon.
Pour into a 9" X 13° Baking dish.
Top with dry cake mix.
Sprinkle with additional sugar if desired.
Pour melted butter all over top to evenly distribute.
Sprinkle on pecans.
Bake at 400° For about 45 minutes to 1 hour.
You can tell When it is done.
Top will be golden brown and the dish will be bubbly all over.


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Hazel B. (rubies)
6/7/2008 3:03 PM ET
I am always for different cake recipes,this sound like a good one,can't wait to try it out.
Diana L. (Dimples)
1/2/2008 9:20 PM ET
We've made the original dump cake - the one with cherry pie filling - and loved it. My husband makes it to take when we have parties or family get togethers. He likes the praise he gets. When I told him about this recipe, he had to try it. We didn't have the apple pie filling, but we had frozen winesap apples. The apple dump cake turned out great. He's so impressed with his baking skills. Thanks for posting the recipe. Diana