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Favorite Recipes: Arroz Amarillo (Puerto Rican Yellow Rice)

Recipe Author

Name: Ruth D.
Total Recipes: 1



Arroz Amarillo (Puerto Rican Yellow Rice)

Dish: Side-dishes
Dish Type: Rice & Grains
Cooking Method: Stove Top
Difficulty: 3 / 10
Prep Time:
Cook Time:
Book Recipes:

  • 4 cups - of rice, rinsed,
  • 1 pkg - sazon con achiote
  • 1 tbs - olive oil
  • 2 tbs - recao
  • 2 oz - cubed cooking ham or one ration of thick bacon
  • 4 cups - of water (bring water to a boil in a separate pot)
  • 1 tbs - olives with capers
  • 1/2 can - of tomato sauce
  • 1 cube - chicken boullion
  • 1 tbs - adobo
  • 2 tsp - oregano
  • - salt and pepper to taste

ADDITIONS: 1 lb of chicken pieces or pork pieces. 1 can of beans, corn, gandules or vienna sausages are suggestions. Some of these additions you add at the beginning such as raw meat and beans and some you add as the rice is steaming such as a can of vienna sausages.

In a caldero (large cast aluminum pot) add: olive oil, bacon and/or cooking ham and saute over low heat. (In a separate pan set water to boil.)  Add recao, tomato sauce, olives and all other seasonings.

If you're adding any meat add it in at this time. If you're adding beans all beans must be drained with the exception of gandules. Saute mixture until everything is combined and has a uniform color OR until the meat is no longer pink. Sazon con achiote is what will make your rice yellow and you don't want your rice to be off color. Add rinsed rice to the caldero and mix thoroughly. Make sure the rice is competely combined. Add boiled water and check the water for seasoning.

Remember that you just diluted your seasoning by adding water, this is your opportunity to readjust salt/pepper or any other seasoning you think is missing.

Raise the heat to medium and let rice cook uncovered until the water evaporates, watching the rice carefully to make sure it doesn't burn. Once the water evaporates, lower the heat and turn the rice and cover. If you're adding a canned addtion such as corn or vienna sausages this is the time to add and mix them into the rice. Remember: all canned additions with the exception of gandules should be drained. Let cook for 15 minutes or until rice is tender.


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sasssy25 -
7/24/2010 1:35 PM ET
I LOVE Puerto Rican rice! Thanks so much for the recipe!