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Favorite Recipes: Artichoke Spread

Recipe Author

Name: Barbara R. (peechuz) - ,
Total Recipes: 3



Artichoke Spread

Dish: Dips & Spreads
Dish Type: Vegetables
Cooking Method: Baked
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 30-35 min

  • 2 cans - artichoke hearts, packed in water
  • 1 cup - good mayonaise
  • 1 cup - parmesan cheese
  • - garlic powder
  • - salt & pepper

Drain and squeeze the water off the artichoke hearts.  Chop the artichoke fairly fine.  Remember, this is a spread.  Stir in the mayo, parmesan, garlic powder and salt & pepper to taste.  Put in a ovenproof serving dish and bake for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees till the top is golden brown and bubbly.  Serve with crackers.  I like to use Triscuits.  This spread is so popular, even people that think they don't like artichokes will love it and beg you to make more!


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