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Topic: August^^^ what are you reading?

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bananapancakes avatar
Subject: August^^^ what are you reading?
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 5:08 PM ET
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Through many recs on here I'll start with Middlesex and The Glass Castle

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junie avatar
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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 5:15 PM ET
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I'm reading The Ravenscar Dynasty by Barbara Taylor Bradford and I Feel Bad About My Neck

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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 5:18 PM ET
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I'll be finishing up Harry Potter 7 and then I've got 6 ??? books a friend lent me.  She's coming up at the end of August so I'd like to return them all to her then.   They're all paranormals and I haven't been in a paranormal mood for awhile. 

dreamon avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 5:29 PM ET
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Read The Vanishing by Bentley Little

Reading Amethyst Dreams by Phillis Whitney

Also reading Midnight Voices by John Saul

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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 5:48 PM ET
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Just finished a Thousand Splendid Suns....GREAT READ!!!!!!!!! Just started the Myth of you and me!

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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 7:09 PM ET
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The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon.

- Tracy


All childrens books 3 for 1!  See any others you want?  I'm open for deals - make me an offer.

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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 7:46 PM ET
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I cant tell you yet its a swap book. I'll be reading Fool Moon by Jim Butcher after this one.

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Sue L. (slev415) - ,
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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 8:05 PM ET
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Just Finished:  Eye Contact by Cammie McGovern, The Good Guy by Dean Koontz & The Abortionists Daughter


Currently reading: Sleepyhead by Mark Billingham


Next up:  Stripped by Brian Freeman



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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 8:07 PM ET
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Finished in August:

- Into the Looking Glass by John Ringo

- The Ruins by Scott Smith

Currently Reading:

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks

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FloridaAngel86 avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 8:20 PM ET
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I'm about halfway through Twelve Across by Barbara Delinsky.  I got about 4 of her books at Goodwill on Sunday, so I'm sure I will go through those first.

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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 10:47 PM ET
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I'm getting ready to start Hot Target by Suzanne Brockmann

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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 11:14 PM ET
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I'm reading Beautiful Girls:  Stories by Beth Ann Bauman right now, but will probably finish it tomorrow.  Life of Pi by Yann Martel is on deck.

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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 11:30 PM ET
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Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 12:03 AM ET
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 Still Reading: "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" very rich and satisfying!!! Loving it.

Just finished: "The Keep" Jennifer Egan: Mysterious, exciting and sharp! I would highly recommend this one!  . Disgrace" J.M. Coetze :Excellent !!!! Gonna read more of him for sure, Some lit crit on Gothic Writers. Best short stories from 2005 ed: Michael Chabon, good esp: JCO's "Cousins" this is an early excerpt from her new book :"The Grave diggers Daughter"

started: "The 42nd parallel :USA trilogy" John Dos Passos: not sure about this but I like Millenium books so will stick with it. "Ghost Town" Patrick McGrath : Interesting:three era's in New York history as seen by three different characters.picked it up and put it down,.not real impressed by his style,seemed too stilted and not engaging, even tho it was a real cool idea. trying to get into "A Painted House," Grisham, not grabbing me,hmmm.

Finishing: "The Ice Storm:" Rick Moody, " The Life of PI" Yann Martel

Next up: Beasts of No Nation for my New Author challenge/The Human Stain/Philip Roth,  The Lost German Slave Girl / John Bailey,  The Bookseller of Kabul/Sierstad TBR pile and 2007 New Author Challenge, more Sue Grafton,or Micheal Connolly or Dennis Lehane,can't make up my mind, sooooo much to read!!!


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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 12:03 AM ET
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Just started "Rasputin's Daughter" by Robert Alexander. I  found it in my library pile and it's due for return today actually,. It's the follow up to "The Kitchen Boy" which was also excellent! Very good writer and the stories are very intriguing also, I guess that historical fiction would be the category for these books,all about people in and around the Russian Revolution.

Finished this last night. It was exciting and everything but felt a bit mushy (sentimenal)  towards the end. I think I liked "The Kitchen Boy" better but I did like that he put a glossary of Russian terms and a foloow up on what happened to the major characters. Hope he puts out another one soon!

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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 6:58 AM ET
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Finished in August:

  • Death of a Travelling Man by M.C. Beaton

Currently reading: The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch and The Vanished Priestess by Meredith Blevins


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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 9:11 AM ET
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I'm reading Sea Glass by Anita Shreve.

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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 9:54 AM ET
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Finished Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows # 7

Finished  Innocent as Sin  by Elizabeth Lowell

Currently  Black Maps by Peter Speigelman

Happy reading every one


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vix avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 10:39 AM ET
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Just started Thyme of Death by Susan Wittig Albert

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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 10:47 AM ET
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I'm reading Paula Deen:It Ain't All About the Cookin' by Paula Deen with Sherry Suib Cohen

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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 10:48 AM ET
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Half way through Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows

Next Breakfast with Tiffany

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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 10:49 AM ET
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Almost finished with Couldn't Keep it to Myself: Wally Lamb and the Women of York Correctional Center.  Very compelling and informative!

Need to finish I Know This Much is True, also by Wally Lamb.  It's a tome and has taken most of my summer reading time.

bridget avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 11:50 AM ET
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I'm reading The Sixteen Pleasures (still) and Living The Simple Life by Elaine St. James.

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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 1:00 PM ET
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Right now I'm reading Following the Equator by Mark Twain. I'm really enjoying this one!

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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 1:07 PM ET
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Trying to finish Historic Haunted America by Michael Norman & Beth Scott.  It's long and relatively dry.  Just also started The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Zafon for my A-Z challenge.  Actually both of these books are. 

Next up?  Who knows.  I've got vacation coming up, so I can't wait to have more reading time at hand!!  :-)

ETA: One certainty on my August reading list... after vacation, I will read the first Harry Potter book so I can see what this fuss is about!

Last Edited on: 8/1/07 1:09 PM ET - Total times edited: 1