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Topic: As your BBczar, I'm asking you to please read this. :)

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Bernie avatar
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Subject: As your BBczar, I'm asking you to please read this. :)
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 12:44 PM ET
Member Since: 6/16/2005
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Whew, its almost August! Where did the summer go? I know we have gone on  a couple trips back to MN.. Some not so fun stuff either. *lol*

Anyway, I have not had a chance to give my  "gentle reminders" as of late. After coming home to quite a few pms with questions about  guidelines in the Book Bazaar, its time to do it again.

1)Please only bump your topic once a day! Not  5 not 12,  1x! I guarentee you that if you bump your topic more than that, folks will ignore it. Its not fair to the other folks who are offering deals. All of our shelves are important,  so please don't  keep bumping.  I have pmed folks who are doing this.

2)If your going to post a deal, please use one post. Again, its not fair to the others if you psot one book, then a couple hours later do a deal again. Use one post.  Nobody likes to see the first 5 posts belonging to the same person.

3)If you are offering a deal, what is it??  "I posted 20 new books" , tells us nothing. What kind of books? There are some folks who are looking for things like non-fiction, romance, etc. If you let folks know what kind of books you posted, you might get more of a response.

Those are the two biggies I had in my pm box.

How are the monthly threads doing this month? Are you getting rid of lots of books? Anyone have a cool find that  they want to share? A book  you just happened to discover in the book bazaar?

Glad to see everyone is cleaning up their reviews. I've been trying to do the same, when I can.

The meeting is now open. Comments, Questions, Concerns?

bookaddicted avatar
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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 2:17 PM ET
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Concerns...well, just my inability to stay out of the BB.  LOL

bookbizmom avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 2:21 PM ET
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go it! Thanks :)

Terabithia avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 4:23 PM ET
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Hi Bernie - Glad you're back!  How about getting people to put their wishlisted w/different ISBNs on that thread and not clutter up the page with their own post? 

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 4:48 PM ET
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I'm wanting to know if there is a way I can delete my old deals?  I've looked on the page and been "clicking" all over and can't seem to find where to do that.  But I'd like to help de-clutter that way if I know how...



Bernie avatar
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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 5:00 PM ET
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Charlie, I can't help you there. *lol*

Robin, Thanks. Perhaps they will read this and keep it in mind.

Peggy, You can delete the content of your post, but not the subject. So if you wanted to go to your post and click "edit post" ,  under  your "wish list" button. Highlight the stuff you want to delete and hit delete. Then click the button that says "Edit reply" or whatever  and it will clean it up. The subjects of the posts hang around for 45 days, no way to delete those.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 5:32 PM ET
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I think we forgot to bump the "I'm #1 on the wishlist for:" thread.  I love that one because it gives me ideas of books to post for folks.  Good to see you back.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 5:32 PM ET
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Thanks so much...that was driving me crazy!!  :-)



kevinsbebe avatar
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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 5:36 PM ET
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No questions for now, but thanks for the post!! :)

yaya-and-jae avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 6:18 PM ET
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Thanks Bernie :)

SandyP avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 7:38 PM ET
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What is a BB Czar ??? Thanks ahead

L avatar
L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 8:46 PM ET
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Book Bazaar Czar.  Except it should be Czarina, since she is female. ;)


Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 10:01 PM ET
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I love the monthly threads=-)  Hope everyone that's been posting to the "Looking for..." thread has had as much success as I have.  I still wish there was some way to pin the monthly threads, just for the month.

SandyP avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 10:27 PM ET
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Lol I know that much L G but does this mean shes a mod now?

Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 1:50 AM ET
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By the way when you are looking for childrens books I have started a tread in the childrens section.  It stays on page one forever down there.  I know I have been pointing people in directions. Thanks JEan

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Donna H. (d417) - ,
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 2:09 AM ET
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Thanks for the reminders, Bernie.  Glad you're back

marcym avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 9:22 AM ET
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Sandy: She has been for awhile now.....

junie avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 9:59 AM ET
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Bernie;    Is there any way we can get all the monthly posts tagged in red???

Bernie avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 10:26 AM ET
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June,  no I wish we could. Robert has pretty much done all he has time to do at this time in the Bazaar. We just have to keep bumping these topics up ourselves. :) I wil be sure to put them on my watched topics and bump them up when I can.

Sandy, no I'm not a mod. To my knowlege we don't have mods per say. I'm a helper bee in the bazaar. Since I was geting alot of pms about how the bazaar worked and so on, they gave me the title.

Another reminder about deals. If you are going to post a deal, please try to stay on top of it. I know that life happens, belive me I know this. *lol* However, its a good idea to keep your  deals updated. Try not to post a deal and be gone for 3 days, it cause confussion to the members who want to reply to your deal.

Also, when you are replying to a deal, be sure you are requesting the deal from the person making it. For example, if  L or Marcy are offering a deal and you see a book you want, but don't now what its about. If you click the book to get to the description of the book but don't go back to their shelf to order it, it goes into the FIFO system. So be sure to hit the back button after reading the descripition and make sure the top of the page says, "___________'s Shelf"

Bernie avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 10:27 AM ET
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Another thing, please try to keep your posts in the threads provided. For exmple, if its a Wishlist book with a different ISBN, we have a thread for that, same as ARC's and so on.

Char avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 10:39 AM ET
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Thanks, Bernie, I'm new @ this and want to do it right.

I posted my deals by genre; should I go back and put them under 1 post?  I just thought it would be easier for the Sci-Fi people not to have to look under romance.

Please let me know.

Thanks for all your help.


Bernie avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 10:50 AM ET
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Char,  one can't delete the subject, only the content. At this point, just leave them. In the future you want might to have a subject like, " Romance and Sci-fi, oh my!"  *lol* The subject line can handle quite a bit, so if you are offering multiple genes, that can go in the suject line.

dappledart avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 10:56 AM ET
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and that goes for genre too! (sorry, couldn't help myself)

Last Edited on: 1/22/09 12:00 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
bridget avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 10:56 AM ET
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I have an idea! (And I just started my coffee.)

In the Games forum there is a topic with links to open / ongoing games.  What about a red topic that the BBCzarina updates with links the major BB topic that are for the group, instead of individual deals:

Monthly WL with different ISBN 
Monthly What are you looking for
Damaged Deals
What are you #1 for

Well, that's my brainstorm for the week. :)

Bernie avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 10:59 AM ET
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*lol* Kalualani, thanks. I'm the worlds worst speller, I'm not proud. *lol* But yes,  genRe *lol*

Bridget,  wow, and you just started coffee? I'm impressed as heck. That might work, I will pm Robert and see if I can get him to go with that. He has said no more sticky threads, however, if we do a whole bunch in one thread, it might work. Give me some time to get to him. Robert, doesn't have the time to clean out the threads, however, if he sticks one thing that I change every month and nobody posts in, so it will stay clean, it might work.
