3 cups prepared Bisquick mix
Milk as called for in Bisquick directions
1½ teaspoons Tabasco sauce
1½ pounds ground beef
1 cup corn flakes
1 medium onion, chopped fine
2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon minced parsley
1 egg, slightly beaten
Follow directions for Bisquick rolled biscuits. Add only ½ teaspoon
Tabasco to milk. Roll into 10 by 15 inch rectangle. Sprinkle
remaining tabasco sauce over ground beef and add other ingredients
and mix well. Spread evenly over dough. Roll as jelly roll. Cut into
12 slices ¾ inch thick. Place on cookie sheet and bake at 375° for 30
1 can mushroom soup
½ cup milk
1 beef bouillon cube
¼ teaspoon tabasco sauce
Cook, stirring until heated and bouillon cube is dissolved. Pour over
each portion before serving. This sauce is added after pinwheels are