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Topic: BOB traders who don't mind big here please

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Subject: BOB traders who don't mind big here please
Date Posted: 8/2/2007 7:15 PM ET
Member Since: 2/24/2007
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For all those boxers out there who don't mind trading big...say 10 or more...please post here or PM me.  All kinds/types of books are welcome here-VERY eclectic homeschool family stocking for winter.  Thanks!! 

royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 8/2/2007 8:38 PM ET
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Nice topic idea, Traci!

I don't have a problem with large trades, unfortunately, every large trade I've been offered recently has come from someone with nothing but Harlequin and Sillhoutte romance type books on their shelves.

I do read some romance and that's what my DD reads, but I'm primarily interested in Fantasy fiction. I have a list of the specific authors I'm interested in, and also, I enjoy the historical romances that involve scottish highlanders. Guess reading about those guys just trips my trigger! hahahahaha

So, if you have any Fantasy fiction (and sometimes Sci-Fi), historical scottish highlanders, or any books listed in the 1st two entries of my notebook, give me a try. I throroughly look thru the shelves of anyone that offers me a trade. I have tons of books, and I don't want them or already read them, I want to trade them for books I want to read!!!

Come check out my shelf. Anybody  :)

comet9443 avatar
Date Posted: 8/2/2007 9:07 PM ET
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I don't mind big trades, although my shelf is rather small right now.  I'm mostly looking for children/young adult series, but I have pretty much all adult books on my shelf. LOL  It's going to grow here soon, Mom said she has a bunch of books for me to post. :D

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Date Posted: 8/2/2007 9:48 PM ET
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I'm willing to become a boxer if I ever see a shelf that interests me, and I don't mind large trades.

But I'm basically looking for RPG & comic/newspaper funny books.  

I'm not interested in romance, general fiction, or thrillers, very few mysteries...I'm just so overwhelmed with books that it's basically those two genres alone I'm still ordering from.   Which is one reason I didn't renew my boxer--I had almost no books on my shelf when it came up, and I hadn't found anyone to offer a box to in a long time prior.

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Date Posted: 8/2/2007 10:02 PM ET
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My shelf is comparatively low right now, but I don't mind big trades.  I send a lot of books to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, so I can usually find books to request.  I have mystery, some science fiction, some odds and ends.

Tjcracing3 avatar
Date Posted: 8/2/2007 10:16 PM ET
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I don't mind big trades. I am mostly looking for children's holiday books (Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Halloween).



Sarah13Rose avatar
Date Posted: 8/3/2007 12:47 AM ET
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I like big trades...AND right now I am a doing a 2 for 1 deal even on BOB for every two that you order I will order one from you.

(good till August 18th)

Last Edited on: 8/14/07 5:41 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Lin11879 avatar
Date Posted: 8/3/2007 1:37 AM ET
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I like any trades, lol!  But the bigger the better, as long as you have something other than romance to choose from.  My shelf is also fairly depleated at the moment, I think I have around 75-80 books, quite a few thriller/suspense/mystery somehow.  Please feel free to start a box if you see anything you want, and I will check out some of your shelves : )

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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 2:03 AM ET
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I've got hundreds of childrens, YA, and homeschooling books that I'm getting ready to try and post after my garage sale, if you let me know what you are looking for I can sift through and box some stuff up.



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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 6:55 AM ET
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I am up for large or small trades at any time. 

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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 9:06 AM ET
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I like big trades if the other boxer has books that will interest someone in my family.

Most of my shelf is Christian fiction.


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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 9:10 AM ET
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I like big trades if the other boxer has books that will interest someone in my family.

Most of my shelf is Christian fiction and children's books.


kevinsbebe avatar
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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 9:55 AM ET
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I am now a Boxer. Yay finally. LOL I don't mind large or small trades and look forward to doing some soon!!!

Last Edited on: 8/8/07 10:42 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 10:15 AM ET
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I also like trades of all sizes!!

bookaholic avatar
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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 11:23 AM ET
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Count me in!



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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 1:33 PM ET
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Big Boxes? Sure the bigger the better.  I currently have Mystery, Sci-Fi, Sci-Fantasy, a few Westerns, Romance and a bunch of Children's and Teen.  I try to keep about 300 titles posted.    I'm currently looking for Mystery, Westerns, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy. 

BlackPanther avatar
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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 1:59 PM ET
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I love big trades. I have 450 posted books and going higher. Mostly popular mass-market paperbacks and some children's books. I would love westerns, Sci-Fi, classics, and humor. 

(Anything but old Harlequins because I have too many of those already.)

starr4all avatar
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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 3:47 PM ET
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I don't mind large orders.  The only issue is that I may only choose one book from whoever is requesting.  I need to get rid of my books because I'm moving to a much smaller place and I'd rather get rid of my books here than end up donating them to other places.

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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 7:07 PM ET
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Any trade size works for me  I really enjoy  mystery/thrillers.  Please no romance




prokopmisty avatar
Date Posted: 8/3/2007 7:08 PM ET
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I just signed up to be a boxer and love the concept.  I just did did my first one with 2 very nice ladies and would love to do more!! I will do large or small. :) My shelf has about 80 books in it and I usually keep it well stocked with at least 100 books.  Most of my shelf is romance so I do have to warn you up front. :)  But, I do have a little bit of everything other than kids books. I will start getting those put on there also.  Authors I look for are Georgina Gentry, Cassie Edwards, Bertrice Small, Christine Feehan, Nancy Drew, Goosebumps, and Sweet Valley High for those are what I collect.  I don't much like Halq./Silq. novels bc I have so many right now as it is.  But love those Zebra romance.  I also do deals monthly so ck out my profile and get a free unpostable with any order. :)

Happy Reading,


AZmom875 avatar
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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 8:55 PM ET
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I know some of you.   We may have traded before.   NOW I have added many more books.  If you want to trade Look at my list.  At least 2 books for a boxer please.

Last Edited on: 8/3/07 8:58 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 9:11 PM ET
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I'm up for any kind of trade, especially if you have something that would catch my interest.

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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 10:50 PM ET
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I do not mind big trades....just as long as the person I am trading with has enough books to do the trade.  Let me know if you want to trade...JOHN

CocoCee avatar
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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 11:35 PM ET
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I like trading from one book (though I'll ask if that was mistake or not) to whatever the limit is!!! I'll even do deals on boxes. Never know, just ask! Today, I've got about 160 books on my shelf.

cgoldma avatar
Date Posted: 8/4/2007 1:51 AM ET
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I love all kinds of trades..  big or small.  I am usually looking for romance, chick lit, or mystery/thrillers.  I currently have about 80 books on my shelf and a huge TBR pile to tackle.

