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Favorite Recipes: No Bake Cookies

Recipe Author

Name: Stephanie H. (TrintysMommy18)
Total Recipes: 2



No Bake Cookies

Dish: Cookies & Bars
Dish Type: Chocolate
Difficulty: 2 / 10
Servings: 24
Prep Time:
Cook Time:

  • 1/2 cup - Hershey's Baking Cocoa
  • 1/2 cup - Milk
  • 1 stick - Butter
  • 2 Tbsp - Peanut Butter
  • 1 cup - Peanut Butter
  • 3 cup - Oatmeal
  • 1 cups - Sugar

In a pot mix together butter, sugar, cocoa, milk, and 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter

Bring to a boil for exactly 1 minute (5 minutes for double batch)

Reduce heat; add remaining peanut butter and slowly add oatmeal

once completely mixed quickly remove from pan and put drops of mix on wax paper or aluminuim foil to cool


Make sure everything is exactly measured especially the time!



Sorry everyone about the mess up I was completely brainless the day i posted this!

Member Comments

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Rory B.
2/27/2008 10:56 AM ET
Sorry - another issue: ingredients talks about baking chocolate but instructions talk about cocoa. Pls. clarify. Thanks. Rory
Rory B.
2/27/2008 10:49 AM ET
Mentions oatmeal in instructions but not in list of ingredients. Help. Rory
Debbie B. (debs) -
2/20/2008 2:21 PM ET
I sent a PM to the member, asking her about the missing oatmeal.
Wendie P.
2/20/2008 12:51 AM ET
There is no oatmeal in the ingredients. How much?
Rhea J. (blkftsquaw)
2/16/2008 10:58 AM ET
how much oatmeal?
Scott B. (ScooterMcB)
2/16/2008 9:02 AM ET
Sounds good! But how much oatmeal?