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Favorite Recipes: Beef Shoulder Steak

Recipe Author

Name: Connie K. (NightOwl731)
Total Recipes: 142



Beef Shoulder Steak

Dish: DInner
Dish Type: Beef
Cooking Method: Stove Top
Difficulty: 3 / 10
Prep Time:
Cook Time: 35-45 minutes


Beef Shoulder Steak

16 Old Fashioned Gingersnaps - crushed
2 lbs beef shoulder steak - cut in 1\2 inch strips
1\4 vegetable oil
1 can undiluted onion soup
2\3 cup water
1\2 cup vinegar

Put crushed Gingersnaps in a plastic bag, add beef strips and
shake to coat.  In a heavy skillet, heat oil and cook beef
strips until browned.  Add soup, water, and vinegar.  Bring to a
boil.  Reduce heat and cover and simmer until beef is tender.
(30-35 min)  Add any remaining crumbs from bag.  Stir to blend,
Simmer for 1 minute. 
Serve with mashed potatoes, rice or over noodles.


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