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Topic: BoB.. should I be worried?

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LibraryHelper avatar
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Subject: BoB.. should I be worried?
Date Posted: 8/27/2007 10:32 PM ET
Member Since: 1/18/2007
Posts: 530
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I mailed out a BoB on 8/9 and according to my account they have still not been received.

My recipient mailed out on 8/9 and they arrived on 8/15.

Should I PM to ask if they arrived? How long can it take? I didn't use DC as up to now, my BoB's have been trouble free.

JeffersonsAmbrosia avatar
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Date Posted: 8/27/2007 11:27 PM ET
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I would pm and ask them myself could be they forgot to mark it.


drewsmom avatar
Date Posted: 8/27/2007 11:56 PM ET
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When I feel like an appropriate amount of time has passed, considering distance and weather, I send a friendly pm along the lines of

"I'm so enjoying the books I receive from PBS and I feel bad that you haven't received the book(s) I sent you.  I don't know what the hold up could be, but I wanted to PM you to tell you I sure hope you receive your book(s) soon."

Everytime, without fail, I have received a PM back saying they forgot for one reason or another.  I'm certainly not upset by it all.  I know books take a back seat if the poop hits the fan at home, but it does prompt action and it's worked like a charm everytime for me. 

swingsistert avatar
Date Posted: 8/28/2007 1:17 PM ET
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I've had boxes take up to a month to go --- so I'm very patient!

cgoldma avatar
Date Posted: 8/28/2007 11:59 PM ET
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They might  live in apartment building where the package is being held in the manager's office and it might take a while for them to get them from the manager.  My apartment manger although very nice is not very good on letting me know if a package has arrived for me.  I think perhaps she has so much going on at times that she sometimes forget to tell me.  I am not usually around when the apartment office is open so it can take me a few days to get a package if it is being held for me. 

I have always appreciated a friendly PM about a bob box since I am pretty patient in waiting for them to come.  I would then usually call my apartment manager because I wouldn't always know that a bob box had arrived. If it had arrived I would try to come by the office on a night when the manager was working late to claim my package. I have switched my mailing address for bob box deals to my work address as it is more convenient for me and I can get a better idea on how long they are really taking to get to me.

Last Edited on: 8/29/07 5:26 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 8/29/2007 12:54 AM ET
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I have very limited experience with apartment living in my adult life but I think it's ilegal to "hold" someone else's mail/packages for any length of time so if anyone has a manager doing this I'd be complaining to both management AND the post office.

My mom lived in an apartment for many, many years and NEVER had management slow in alerting her to packages. In fact, I believe the post office here was required to leave notice in her box that a package was in the managers office. When I was first married nearly 25 years ago this was the procedure then too. But that's my only personal experience in apartment dwelling as an adult.

Regardless, I think with any books, if you're uncomfortable with the time frame that passed then PM them.  I've only one had one PBS'er who was rude.  

Susanaque avatar
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Date Posted: 8/29/2007 7:30 PM ET
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I have a total of 4 Boxers requests that they received the books in a timely amount of time but I have't received the books they sent

7/22     2/17    2/8    11/10/06....if I get them I get  them, but what can i do??

Grnemae avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 12:32 PM ET
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I have only had one BOB request that did not arrive within a month of the date it was mailed.  I am still waiting on one from 6-07.  I am beginning to think the box is lost and I am just out 2 books.  Thank goodness it was not one of my larger boxes.

That said, I have gotten some books as part of BOB transactions that were in such poor condition that I have had to immediately toss them.   I think some users and not just BOB participants think the posting rules apply to everyone else but them.  I look at it this way, when I buy a bag of apples or potatoes occasionally there is a bad one but that does not stop me from buying another bag in the future.  Same with BOB transactions - a bad one does not stop me from trying again.

LibraryHelper avatar
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Date Posted: 9/3/2007 9:24 PM ET
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Well, the BoB was received today. I am glad it got there okay.

Next time I won't worry as much, especially after reading how long it has taken for others.

Shaylinn avatar
Date Posted: 9/4/2007 1:18 AM ET
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I can't speak for all apartments but where I am at (a large complex as part of a larger corporation) they have you sign a form saying you allow the office to recieve and sign for any package delivery which makes it legal at least in my state. 

And personally I have no problem with that. My mail is usually delivered in the early afternoon just after I leave for work and I don't get home until after midnight. The thought of packages sitting on my doorstep that long makes me cringe.