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The Eclectic Pen - Bonnie Prince Charlie - Poem

By: Tania P. (tbird)  
Date Submitted: 8/6/2010
Genre: History » Europe
Words: 153

  Castles fall
Flowers wilt
Sea winds die
         A tattered kilt

Blood ran cold
Tombstones massed
Bracken burned
         An unknown past

Blood-soaked earth
Tear-stained rain
Rage-filled land
         A people's pain

Hatred faced south
Troubles faced kin
Hunger faced all
         A rogue from within

Red hair a-fire
Brown eyes a-blaze
Clothing a-strewn
         A prince in the haze

Bold folk cheered
Red coats brought danger
The Stuart undaunted
         A tyrant's fierce anger

The ladies of Inverness
The mountains of Skye
The halls of St. James
         A young heir tries

The bagpipes were silenced
By invasions of Tories
No more desire to win
         A drink drowns his worries

He almost brought freedom
Forced to flee to the Seine
The man gave all, but alas
         A sorrowful end

Now the bagpipes play proud
For he had fought hansomely
But no happy endings for
         A Bonnie Prince Charlie

Inspired by "I Came to the Highlands" by Velda Johnston.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Tania P. (tbird)

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Michal W. (Princess101) - 8/10/2010 4:11 PM ET
that was very good! keep it up!
Elizabeth B. (meowysmiles) - - 8/19/2010 12:31 AM ET
Nice poem~
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