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Topic: Book about the Crusades

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Snacker34 avatar
Subject: Book about the Crusades
Date Posted: 7/10/2007 4:56 PM ET
Member Since: 1/29/2006
Posts: 41
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Trying to find a good historically correct book about the Crusades. I don't want it from the Catholic nor the Protestant point of view. I want it historically correct without the author bent one way or the other. I'm not a Catholic, so I would lean toward Protestant, but I don't want any biases.

Anyone know of anything, read anything good about the history on this?

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Date Posted: 7/10/2007 5:49 PM ET
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I have a copy but I haven't read it yet so can't really endorse the book at this point, but Zoe Oldenbourg wrote a history titled "The Crusades."  I know she wrote historical fiction, and this looks like a detailed fact based as much as it can be description of the times.  My paperback was published in 1966; tiny print; over 700 pages! 

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Date Posted: 7/12/2007 10:57 AM ET
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Here's the link:


I have it on my wish list. :) 

SunnyOK avatar
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Date Posted: 7/13/2007 12:54 PM ET
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There is The Kingdom series by Chuck Black. I have not read any them yet, but they are on our wishlist.

There are also the well-researched books by G.A Henty. Here is a link to a chronological listing of his books.

If you want to check out his books before buying, most of them are available to read online at either the Baldwyn or Gutenburg Project sites.


Snacker34 avatar
Date Posted: 7/13/2007 7:47 PM ET
Member Since: 1/29/2006
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Thanks for the info!

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Date Posted: 7/29/2007 3:18 PM ET
Member Since: 5/26/2007
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Winning His Spurs   by G.A.Henty   This would be considered a Historical Fiction book.

This is my son's favorite Henty book.  We also listened to it on tape a few years back while on a family vacation.  All Henty books are well done.  I know Vision Forum sells them.