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Topic: This book could've used a good editor

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endoux avatar
Subject: This book could've used a good editor
Date Posted: 8/4/2007 10:22 AM ET
Member Since: 5/23/2005
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Have you ever read any books that are just full of typos, or continuity problems?  I'm reading The Good, the Bad, and the Undead right now, and I'm getting bugged with all the errors.  Did she not have an editor at all?  And if so, she needs a new one.

Here's an example from a scene in the book.  The beginning of the scene has this sentence: "Jenks was on my earring, muttering darkly . . .".  And then a couple pages later, same scene, "Jenks flitted to land on my shoulder, since my current earrings were too small for him to perch on . . .".

This book seems to be full of this kind of stuff.

Catspaw avatar
Date Posted: 8/4/2007 12:35 PM ET
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Yeah - I seem to remember that from the book. 

What really bugs me is when they forget to close doors to cars and rooms in books!  Aargh!

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 8/4/2007 1:01 PM ET
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I hate it when they get their character's names wrong...  I mean, really!!!!

I find that if I read a series back-to-back, the errors stand out worse than if I mix other books in between the series.  There are, of course, some exceptions... for example, JR Ward and Diana Gabaldon must have great editors.  =)


24girl avatar
Date Posted: 8/5/2007 11:33 PM ET
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In Drop Dead Gorgeous by MaryJanice Davidson the government agency changed from OSF in book 1 to OSI in this book and it was Stacy who was getting married but in the beginning of the book it was written as Jennifer's wedding. How can no one notice this??

Zachaustlily avatar
Date Posted: 8/5/2007 11:53 PM ET
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MaryJanice Davidson likes for people to email her with the mistakes and page numbers and ISBN of the book.  she then tells the publishing company and they will correct it.

AshsHeroine avatar
Date Posted: 8/6/2007 10:15 AM ET
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I usually just ingnore it or laugh at it, I can't remember a time it really bugged me. One I do always remember though is when a hero too his pants off on one page and then again on the next lol

endoux avatar
Date Posted: 8/7/2007 10:30 AM ET
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Maybe they're wearing magical reappearing pants.  :D

Catspaw avatar
Date Posted: 8/7/2007 3:06 PM ET
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I just finished "Wednesday Night Witches" and found some glaringly wrong words used!  "The sleeves were rushed" (ruched), "She was happy and exited" (excited), and a couple of others I can't recall just now!  Really takes you out of the "zone."