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Topic: Book was eaten by a dog and sent to me!

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Subject: Book was eaten by a dog and sent to me!
Date Posted: 10/17/2007 8:20 PM ET
Member Since: 11/30/2006
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So I look through my shelf of books and pick out a book that I have wanted to read, I also noticed it was a wishlist on other lists so I thought hey read it and send it on.  Well I decided to take the book cover off, I dont like to read with them on and then I noticed that the bottom two corners of the book are completly gone bitten off by a dog. There are also bite marks all over the other corner.  I sent an email to the person telling her that I was going to take the book out of circulation.  Ok now my thing is HOW did this member not know this book was in crappy condition? No I didnt check it over 100% when I recieved it, but now after getting burned a few too many times, im going to start looking over books Im recieving more carefully.  It just really stinks that I try to send books out in good condition and have pulled books off my shelf I didnt feel comfortable trading, I either pass them on to friends or to goodwill.  Has anybody else had this happen?  Ive recieved a few books with water damage, some with broken spines, one with coffee spilt on it, come on if its a junk book dont post it here!


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Date Posted: 10/17/2007 8:41 PM ET
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Well you didn't notice right away. Maybe this person found the book at a yard sale or thrift store and never took the dust jacket off to notice. 

heidiho avatar
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Date Posted: 10/17/2007 9:02 PM ET
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Okay, that's just dishonest!  How can you put the cover back on a book and not notice pieces missing?

How much time had passed between receiving the book and your PM to the sender? I noticed about a month after receiving a free book from the Book Bazaar that the last chapter had water damage, and I figured that after a month that it was too late to complain.  Was I wrong to not speak up?   I now really look closely at a book when I receive a new one as well as sending one out. 

lildrafire avatar
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Date Posted: 10/18/2007 1:01 AM ET
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That sounds just like a WL book I sent out awhile back---AS A FREEBIE.  Hmmmmm.......was it a Nora Roberts book?

Guinan avatar
Date Posted: 10/18/2007 6:11 AM ET
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Post it over at the book bazaar in the damaged or unpostable thread, since it is a WL book surely someone would want to give it a home!  In the unpostable thread you can offer it as a freebie with a selection from your shelf.

; D

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Date Posted: 10/18/2007 6:59 AM ET
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I agree, the book should never have been posted to the system...however, since you had apparently gotten the book awhile ago and had it on your shelf, I personally would at that point count it as my own fault for not checking the book thoroughly when I got it and not send a PM to the sender. I learned to check every book over carefully before marking them received from reading stories like this on the forums!

If it's someone like me who sends a lot of books, mentioning a book I may have sent months ago...well, I most likely would not remember that specfic book. Now, I myself *do* check my books over thoroughly before sending them, so I could say pretty much with assurance that I wouldn't send a book like that, but if she didn't, and if she never read the book and you yourself didn't notice the bite marks til you took the cover off, she'd probably have no idea what you were talking about! Of course, if indeed it WAS that freebie that Tammy G. sent to her and she knowingly passed it on...I would PM her and let her know the jig is up...but I still would not ask for a credit back since I hadn't noticed it upon receipt.



biancaneve avatar
Date Posted: 10/18/2007 7:29 AM ET
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Hey - let's not assume that Tammy G was trying to pull a fast one by sending a damaged book as a freebie - if she offered it as a freebie in the "damaged book" thread, then the recipient has no right to complain.

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Date Posted: 10/18/2007 8:42 AM ET
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The book was a Jane Green book.  I recieved the book on the 9th of September, I wasnt intending to ask for a credit back.  I just wanted the member to know that yes I realized a book had been sent in poor condition and that I was going to take it out of circulation so that another member didnt get it.  So now Im going to inspect every book as I take it out of the envelope.  What sucks the most is this book had been on my wl list for months.  I definetly will post it as a freebie in the bazar when Im done with it, I take full responsibility for not checking the book.  To bad there wasnt a way to mark books that have been deemed as an unpostable from pbs, maybe in the future!

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Date Posted: 10/18/2007 11:10 AM ET
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Wow, I never even considered taking the dust jacket off of a book to inspect it when I buy it at a rummage sale/FOL/UBS. If the book is in good shape and the dust cover wasn't damaged it wouldn't occur to me that the hardcover might be damaged underneath. Learn something new every day.

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 10/18/2007 11:19 AM ET
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Melanie, I was thinking the same thing. I sure hope those two garage-sale hardbacks I sent out recently were OK under the dust jacket. *crosses fingers*

jas avatar
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Date Posted: 10/18/2007 6:10 PM ET
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There are worse things than eaten by a dog, if you know what I mean. :D (Not that it was okay to send a book like that, assuming the sender knew.)

One of my two male dogs decided to mark on a low shelf of cookbooks recently, and I had to throw away about fifteen books. (The guilty party is lucky that I don't know who did it. All I could do was curse a blue streak as I carefully inspected all the books and scrubbed the shelf.)

You just know that there are some people who would have posted the peed-on books and then played dumb if any of the recipients noticed the (pretty small and unobtrusive) yellow stains on the bottom page edges near the spine. Eww!

vavoice avatar
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Date Posted: 10/18/2007 6:24 PM ET
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Sometimes it's a good idea to look under the jacket.  I recently saw some good-looking books at a yard sale.  Unfortunately, when I pulled off the jackets, they all had a bad case of mould.

L avatar
L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 10/18/2007 9:18 PM ET
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Are you sure it was a dog?  Heavy cockroach damage looks suspiciously like a dog chewed it.


TheSampleLady avatar
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Date Posted: 10/18/2007 9:34 PM ET
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(raises hand) I've been the lucky recipient of a peed-on book before. AND a chewed up one.

L....YUCK , YUCK, YUCK. Did NOT need that mental image of Harry the Cockroach munching on a stack of books. ;)

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Date Posted: 10/18/2007 9:37 PM ET
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I know the one I sent out was dog chew damage....I saw the offender do it LOL  It was just one corner--and the book was brand new.  Didn't damage the dust cover at all.  I sent it out as a freebie with an order since the chews and punctures made it unpostable.   Glad this one wasn't one of my unpostables--I'd hate to know the stuff I was sending out as unpostable was getting posted for credits.

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Date Posted: 10/18/2007 11:11 PM ET
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I did once get a book a long time ago that looked like it had dried blood on it, I didnt even take the book all the way out of the envelope I just threw it in the trash.  Ew!

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Date Posted: 10/19/2007 9:42 AM ET
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Back To Top is amazing what some people post!  I have cut back on my bathtub reading habit because I don't want the moisture to make the pages wavy....I couldn't imagine sending something out with bodily fluids on it!

drewsmom avatar
Date Posted: 10/19/2007 12:16 PM ET
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Ew, thanks for the image, L.  :>)

This is one of those tough lessons that we hear about time and again (not discouraging folks to post about it, it's always a good reminder)

Same thing here.  Got a book for my son.  Marked it received and handed it off to him.  Some time later he goes to read it and the spine is cleaved and the pages are literally falling out. 

Now all books receive a thorough inspection before being marked received.

And finally, Ew, L.



Catspaw avatar
Date Posted: 10/19/2007 1:41 PM ET
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I got one that had teeth marks (no liquid) on the corners of about 70 pages and both covers.  It looked like someone let thier child teethe on it - although it was a full set of teeth marks, so maybe whoever was reading it... 

It was also one of those books that had a center "pull out and mail in" post card from the publisher, that had been removed.  So even though that wasn't a cleaved spine, someone had torn one of the pages when they pulled the card out.  Just too many defects for me to re-post.

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Date Posted: 10/19/2007 2:10 PM ET
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Well, I've been known to chew my fingernails when reading a suspenseful book but NEVER have I chewed the book!  LOL

drewsmom avatar
Date Posted: 10/19/2007 3:02 PM ET
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I sent one like that once.  I sent, in a deal, a group of about 20 books and this was one of the freebies.  I told the gal it had been chewed, but she didn't care, just wanted to read it, so I threw it in for free.  But there was plenty of discussion before I sent it out the door.  Again, it was a freebie, on top of a deal, but I still didn't want to catch her by surprise.