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Topic: Book Lost in Mail

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cmukitcat avatar
Subject: Book Lost in Mail
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 12:18 AM ET
Member Since: 12/18/2008
Posts: 166
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Over a month ago I ordered a book and a few days ago the system marked it lost in the mail. How long should I really wait to re-order it? What are the odds that it was completely lost or that it was just misplaced or taking longer than normal? I'm pretty new to this site and have received all of the other books I have ordered (only 14 so far) in a very timely fashion. I just want to make sure I don't get two of the same book.
vampsita avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 12:46 AM ET
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After a book goes lost in the mail, you'll get your credit returned to you. It is definitely possible that it is delayed and could still get to you. Before you order another book, I'd suggest messaging your sender to find out if s/he actually mailed the book at a later date than which it was marked, which would account for why it hasn't yet arrived. (You can find out who your sender is from the Transaction Archive.)

The Help Docs suggest waiting up to two weeks before ordering the book again. After you get a response from the sender, go here to USPS to report your missing mail:

cmukitcat avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 1:19 AM ET
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Thank you for the quick answer! I will wait it out. I know it was being mailed from Hawaii so maybe that is the problem but according to the DC on the last day it had never been scanned anywhere. Not sure if that matters or not. She had originally sent me a message saying it was sent, I guess I'll just wait it out a little longer, is there anyway to check the DC now that it's not in my account under books on the way to me. Sorry for all the questions, I'm just new to this whole thing.
sarap avatar
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Date Posted: 5/8/2009 1:23 AM ET
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Yes, it is very common for books from Hawaii or Alaska to take as long as 6 weeks (maybe more...)

If you PM your sender, she may even know how long her books usually take to get to her/ be received from her and can let you know.

Good luck!

vampsita avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 1:28 AM ET
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You could check your Transaction Archive and click on "Details."

EmilyKat avatar
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Date Posted: 5/8/2009 1:34 AM ET
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But that won't tell you if it was first class or media.  Which makes a big difference in books from HI and AK.

vampsita avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 1:40 AM ET
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If you can find out the wrapped book's weight, you could determine if she sent it FCM or MM. Or maybe she could tell you herself what she did.

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Pat O. (PatinCO) - ,
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Date Posted: 5/8/2009 9:21 AM ET
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KrisAnn - don't know about coming FROM Hawaii, but books going media mail TO Hawaii can take up to 6 weeks to reach them.  The Postal Service does ship to Hawaii via ship and not air.  HTH.  Pat

Princess65 avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 12:29 PM ET
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most books I've received from Hawaii have taken 6-8 weeks to get to me...

Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 5/8/2009 12:52 PM ET
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I've had a couple books in the past few months that came close to going lost, and one was from HI and the other from PR. Both did make it just before the deadline, though, but I've had others from AK, HI and PR before that took longer, and a couple that did go lost and show up about a week later. I usually wait about a month after a book's been lost to order a new copy--but I have a big TBR with lots of choices, so am never really "desperate" to get any particular book--i can always find something else to read while I'm waiting. If you do get another copy, and the first one turns up, you can always just re-list it right away, and when it gets selected and mailed, you can list the second copy after you've read it.


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Date Posted: 5/8/2009 3:06 PM ET
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I mail my books from Alaska, and it can take as long as 5 weeks to reach their destination.  Four weeks is about average.  I check on the DC details occasionally, and the books are often not scanned until they get to Federal Way, WA, which takes a few weeks.  (One recently took a full month to make it to Federal Way; I was getting worried about that one.)  After a book is scanned in WA, it usually takes less than a week to reach its final destination. 

Your missing book is probably still on its ocean voyage.  If you check the DC details in your transaction archive, you will be able to see if it is scanned when it reaches the USPS facility on the West Coast.  But occasionally a book doesn't get scanned until final arrival.

I had enough books marked lost in the mail (usually only for a few days) that I now wait until the last possible day to actually mark a book mailed, to give it a  "head start" before the PBS clock starts ticking. 

As other said, if you are desparate for the book, you can order another copy. But the first book will probably arrive eventually. 

I really appreciate the patience of PBS members who request my books.  I always PM requestors to let them know that USPS will take awhile and so far everyone has been pleasant.