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Topic: Book received, got a couple questions

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3pete avatar
Subject: Book received, got a couple questions
Date Posted: 5/18/2009 3:10 PM ET
Member Since: 2/13/2009
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I know there is a similiar post with this question, but I thought this may be slightly different.   I just received a book wrapped in scrap paper (an interoffice memo).  It was wrapped using scotch tape - present style.  The corners were torn with one being completely gone.  The rules do state no scotch-tape so, would the sender own any problems that may have occurred with it?  Just curious about that as no harm done.   There was no plastic protection (a non PBS requirement).

Ok, on two of the text pages on this same book, it looks like it may have been eggs for breakfast one morning.  A yellow, crustiness is happening.  This book is yellowed (no problem) and well-read.   It may not have been the sender having breakfast with the book.   Its perfectly readable and doesn't even gross me out that much. 

I did use one credit for the one book.  Yet, I am not upset..  So this is not a heated question.......Would you address any of this and if so, in what way? 


Doughgirl avatar
Date Posted: 5/18/2009 3:29 PM ET
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Yes, if the book had been damaged in transit, you could have asked for a return of your credit as the sender didn't wrap the book properly.   Scotch tape isn't sufficient and the wrapping guidlines clearly state that.   However, since the book wasn't damaged in transit that's a moot point.

What isn't a moot point is the fact that the book is unpostable by PBS standards.  Regardless of whether or not it is readable, the yellow crusty "egg" stain makes it unpostable.   And you state that the corners of the cover are torn.  If any of those tears are over 1" in length, that also makes the book unpostable.

Some people hesitate to ask for the return of their credit is the book is readable.  I'm of the opposite school of thought.    The point of posting a book on PBS is to pass it on to another member so that they can read it and then pass it on themselves.  So regardless of whether a book is readable or not, it should also be postable.   So yes, I would request the return of my credit based on the fact that the book is unpostable by PBS standards.

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Date Posted: 5/18/2009 3:36 PM ET
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I would definately mark it RWP.  It's up to you if you want to ask for a credit back.  I belong to another book site where I can send out unpostables. So I only ask for a credit back if a book is really obviously unpostable.  (to me yellow crusty stuff would fall in that category).  I mark RWP even if I don't ask for my credit back.  This is how PBS gets rid of bad senders-too many RWPs and they close someone down.  The occassional RWP won't hurt someone who normally sends out good books.  But it will wake them up to be more careful.

ruthy avatar
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Date Posted: 5/18/2009 3:39 PM ET
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We are the quality control group.  If an unpostable book isn't called out and a request for a credit isn't asked for then there's no teeth in the quality "CONTROL".  It really isn't about if it can be read - it's about the quality of the book.  I don't want to receive books with food (or stuff) in them - they'll draw pests and degrade the book.  UGH!  Please think about your fellow PBS'ers and do them a favor by enforcing the rules and standards.  Please.


EmilyKat avatar
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Date Posted: 5/18/2009 3:40 PM ET
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I'd report as a problem just to get the member to wrap books correctly next time.  (Scotch tape is not even allowed by the post office.)  And crusty stuff is not postable here.  But I'm not sure I'd hassle with asking for the credit.  Sometimes asking for it isn't worth the effort.  Two strikes makes me think it will be a fight.  You can check on the person's name if they are a new member or not. 

whippoorwill avatar
Date Posted: 5/18/2009 3:41 PM ET
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If a book is readable and not too gross I mark it RWAP and let it go. If I'm afraid to touch the book or it's really, really unreadable, I also ask for my credit back.

So to echo what others said, you need to mark it RWAP, as the book broke the rules.

ruthy avatar
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Date Posted: 5/18/2009 3:54 PM ET
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Even if you don't want to hassle with getting the credit back you can still ask for it back just to let the sender know that that can happen.  You don't have to pursue it.  But senders who do this regualrly might learn better if there are consequences they can see.


Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 5/18/2009 4:03 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 2/2/15 11:42 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Beanbean avatar
Date Posted: 5/18/2009 4:17 PM ET
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Sealing a book with scotch tape is a no-no.  This is very clearly stated in the guidelines.  In the past I have received books that were sealed this way.  One arrived in a plastic bag from USPS with a "sorry, the package was damaged" notice and another had the end of the packaging completely torn away.  Luckily for both senders, the books were undamaged.  I sent both of the senders PMs about the problem and reminded them to use packing tape and not scotch tape and both responded graciously.  At the very least, you need to let the senders know that the scotch tape is unacceptable.  (The egg thing...**shudder**...I'd ask for my credit back.  Blech!)

Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 5/18/2009 4:56 PM ET
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(Scotch tape is not even allowed by the post office.)

When did the P.O. say scotch tape wasn't allowed? The worker at mine told me to use it on the corners to help protect them better. He even added alittle for me.


Sealing a book with scotch tape is a no-no.  This is very clearly stated in the guidelines.


The guidelines say "general guidelines" NOT hard fast rules. I've gotten several packages that only had scotch tape on them and they held up perfectly.



EmilyKat avatar
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Date Posted: 5/18/2009 5:11 PM ET
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From USPS website:

Tape the opening of your box and reinforce all seams with 2” wide tape. Use clear or brown packaging tape, reinforced packing tape or paper tape. Do not use cord, string or twine because they get caught in mail processing equipment.

Personally, I have never received a book with scotch tape that did not have packing issues.  Usually coming unsealed.

Last Edited on: 5/18/09 5:15 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
3pete avatar
Date Posted: 5/18/2009 5:46 PM ET
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This member has been here since 2005.

I think I will just mark it RWAP and send a note about the scotch tape.   

Edited: removed a question I added and answered myself.

This is my first time and it feels confrontational even when its not the intent.  I didn't ask for my credit back.  I took the advice of a few folks here that said if I can stand to read it, then just mark it RWAP.  I didn't realize I HAD to send a PM.   I wanted to turn back.   I sent the PM stating that I wasn't asking for my credit back.  It was more of an FYI - the book is unpostable for me and the use of scotch tape isn't a good idea. 

Last Edited on: 5/18/09 7:09 PM ET - Total times edited: 4
ruthy avatar
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Date Posted: 5/18/2009 6:16 PM ET
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The egg thing does fit the unacceptable category.  It falls in with the stains group.


rubberducky avatar
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Date Posted: 5/18/2009 8:09 PM ET
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The guidelines say "general guidelines" NOT hard fast rules. I've gotten several packages that only had scotch tape on them and they held up perfectly.

So do the "Book Condition Guidelines" but I'm pretty sure they meant for them to be taken seriously:P

Last Edited on: 5/18/09 8:10 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 5/18/2009 9:13 PM ET
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"The point of posting a book on PBS is to pass it on to another member so that they can read it and then pass it on themselves."

I disagree with the last part of your statement Lynne.  Yes, the point of the club is to share books amongst the members, and yes, a book should always meet posting guidelines when you receive it.  But the books you get then belong to you, and you are free to do as you wish with them.  There is no club requirement or rule that they must (or even any suggestion that they should) be passed on to other members.

ruthy avatar
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Date Posted: 5/18/2009 9:16 PM ET
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Maybe we should say that we post books on PBS expecting that the condition we receive them in will be good enough to post again if we so desire.


abbygayle avatar
Date Posted: 5/18/2009 10:44 PM ET
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It's amazing what people use to wrap a book.   I received a book wrapped in newspaper and the tape was the double sided carpert tape.  Lots of it. 

I wasn't sure how to start unwraping it.  I pulled one of the edges of  the tape from around the label and the white strip, top layer, came off and it was sticky underneath.  That is when I realized it was double sided sticky tape. The label was printed.  

All around the label and around all the edges of the book and across the middle (under the label.)  The newspaper was only one layer thick so it was pretty thin.   I'm not sure what shocked me more,  the newspaper or the doublesided carpet tape.  The tape was 2 inches wide.

People amaze me.