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Topic: Would box-o-books work for me?

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Jazzynickel415 avatar
Subject: Would box-o-books work for me?
Date Posted: 10/9/2007 3:42 PM ET
Member Since: 9/19/2007
Posts: 24
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I'm interested in this feature but how would it work out for someone like me who does not have a large book shelf for other members to choose from?  before PBS I'd often check out books from the library to read or if I bought a book I'd give it away at the end of the year when I do my annual 'what can I get rid of' rampage...   

I would love to help PBS out financially but I'm not sure if this feature would work for me.  Any insight would be helpful...


Rianli avatar
Date Posted: 10/9/2007 5:29 PM ET
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I doubt it would benefit you either unless you add some more books. I saw you only had 3 on your shelf at this time. If you are interested in trading from other members shelves, you could go to an FOL sale or thrift store to purchase books to add to your shelf just for that reason. It really depends how you feel about it.

deltatiger avatar
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Date Posted: 10/9/2007 5:56 PM ET
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The box of books is a great program, and I think most of the boxes I did were 2 or 3 books, so a small shelf is fine.  But there is a point where you are just too small, and I think that 3 books might be past that point.  If you had as many as 10 books, though, I'd say go for it.

Sianeka avatar
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Date Posted: 10/9/2007 6:17 PM ET
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Really, Kari?  You think it'd be ok with 10+ books?   

I was thinking about the Box o Books thing too, but figured my shelf was too small (I typically only have 20+ books on it at any given time so far.)

deltatiger avatar
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Date Posted: 10/9/2007 6:43 PM ET
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Yes, I think a 20 book shelf would work as long as you keep the boxes you request small.  It may take a little extra time from you.  Do a little looking to make sure that the person you are requesting a box from has books from the same genre (I got tired of people who wanted science fiction and fantasy from me and they had nothing but romance on their shelf), and you'll find some folks willing to do a 2-3 book swap with you pretty quickly.

Susanaque avatar
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Date Posted: 10/9/2007 6:57 PM ET
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You could be a BOB with about 20-25 books.  hit the local thrift store or Salvation Army or the local library sale...go for it girl!

sslee06 avatar
Date Posted: 10/10/2007 12:00 PM ET
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Most of my BOB trades are 2-4 books.  I agree, if you have at least 20 books on your bookshelf to choose from, that would be sufficient. 

Sianeka avatar
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Date Posted: 10/10/2007 9:49 PM ET
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OK, you guys convinced me.  Next paycheck, I'll buy BOB and get the cute lil icon near my name.  *smile*