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Topic: boxer question

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cakirkette avatar
Subject: boxer question
Date Posted: 7/25/2007 12:22 PM ET
Member Since: 10/14/2005
Posts: 333
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Hi.  I'm  a new boxer and have a question.   I was sent an offer and I made a counter offer.  I have been waiting for days to hear back from the other party.    How long is typical to wait before cancelling an offer?  I have since turned down two offers for the same book because I'm still waiting for the first person to respond.  I don't want to cut it off early, but I'm passing up other options because of this delay.  Any advice is welcome. Thanks.


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Date Posted: 7/25/2007 12:57 PM ET
Member Since: 11/13/2005
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I would send a PM to follow up to make sure they were aware you had filled in your side, then allow at least a couple of days before canceling.  If there are multiple books in the first offer, I think you do have the option of removing that one requested book from their side and then reducing you side by one book to keep it even - at least up to the point where you both have accepted.

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Date Posted: 7/25/2007 1:11 PM ET
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I would think the same rules/guidelines would apply here as well - first in, first out.  first request meaning first accepted. If they requested a book, but haven't accepted the offer, go ahead and accept the ones after that then. The system should update the offer that hasn't been accepted with the book being taken off that offer. 

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Date Posted: 7/25/2007 1:17 PM ET
Member Since: 9/30/2006
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I think I would PM the first boxer, telling them that you have had several requests for this particular book, and if you don't hear from them in 2-3 days you will have to decline their kind offer and move on to the next one.  Something may have happened in the life of this boxer, preventing him/her from responding to you, like an illness, etc.  Just be tactful and pleasant, and if you don't hear anything, then move on.