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Favorite Recipes: Breakfast Waffle Club Sandwich

Recipe Author

Name: Konnie K. (Nightcrawler) - ,
Total Recipes: 34



Breakfast Waffle Club Sandwich

Dish: Breakfast
Dish Type: Other
Cooking Method: Skillet
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 4 servings
Prep Time:
Cook Time:

  • 1/4 cup - apple juice
  • 2 tbsps. - butter or margarine
  • 2 - crisp red apples - cored and sliced
  • 8 - frozen waffles - toasted
  • 8 - thin slices ham
  • 3/4 cup - honey - divided

To prepare syrup, place 1/2 cup honeyand apple juice in small saucepan over medium heat. Heat through. Set aside and keep warm. Melt butter in remaining 1/4 cup honey in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add apples.Cook and stir about 4 minutes or till apples are lightly caramelized and crisp-tender.

For each serving, place 2 waffles on plate, overlapping slightly,Top each waffle with 1 slice ham. Top with 1/4 apple mixture and drizzle with 1/4 of syruo.

Have a great breakfast.


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Janice J. (jjenkinskelso)
3/8/2008 7:41 PM ET
Sounds good but I too may swap out the ham for the bacon. Love the waffles and apples though.
Jeffrey P. (jtpeters)
3/7/2008 6:55 PM ET
As a self-proclaimed breakfast sandwich connoisseur, thanks for posting. I like the apple idea, but I might swap out your ham for bacon!