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I usually stay away from contemporaries, but I like this author and was happily reading up to about chapter 4, when a five year old girl, alone, comes over to the single male neighbor's house, walks in, and starts giving him decorating advice, like saying he should hang some pictures because the walls look bare. I am now totally turned off. I know there are precocious five year olds out there, but this just annoyed me. If anyone has read it, is it worth reading and should I give it a second chance? :) |
I like her work, but this was not among my favorites. Personally, I thought Phantom Waltz was the best of her Coulter/Kendrick books, with Blue Skies, Baby Love, and My Sunshine ranking pretty good. |
Julie, I enjoyed it, but I agree the little girl is really precocious. Then again, my 4 yr old niece is just the same (super smart and acts like she's 18 instead of 4). I could easily picture her doing the same thing. In fact, she gives me shopping advice on my clothes! (That skirt just won't do, Aunt Pam. You need something a little classier.) Sounds like 4 going on 30! LOL! I have read this whole series and I think Phantom Waltz and Blue Skies are the best. I just love Phantom Waltz. I have a friend who is a parapelgic and wheelchair bound. This book reminds me so much of her. I hope you don't give up on the series just because of the one book. The Coulter/Kendrick series is a 'keeper' for me. Pam |
Catherine Anderson kinda sucks, in my opinion. The only book of hers that I truly adore is My Sunshine. The hero and heroine are very likable and the love story is sweet. |