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Topic: Browse by Genre

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katlover avatar
Subject: Browse by Genre
Date Posted: 8/21/2007 9:53 PM ET
Member Since: 7/29/2007
Posts: 161
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In HELP it says you can browse by genre by clicking on SEARCH in the toolbar and then clicking on BROWSE BY GENRE. When I do this, there is NO such choice. I would really like to be able to do this. Is it just not working, or what?

ver0nika23 avatar
Date Posted: 8/21/2007 9:54 PM ET
Member Since: 6/8/2007
Posts: 239
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Go to Advanced search and this option will come up on the search screen.

katlover avatar
Date Posted: 8/21/2007 9:55 PM ET
Member Since: 7/29/2007
Posts: 161
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Thanks - that works!

katlover avatar
Date Posted: 8/21/2007 9:58 PM ET
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Well, I just tried it. It told me that there were NO posted mysteries! That just can't be correct.

katlover avatar
Date Posted: 8/21/2007 9:59 PM ET
Member Since: 7/29/2007
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Never mind. I had not deleted a previous keyword search. It was combining the two. Now it works.

Cathy avatar
Cathy A. (Cathy) - ,
Date Posted: 8/22/2007 11:35 AM ET
Member Since: 12/27/2005
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MRG -- there is a Browse by Genre tab if you click on the Search menu button.

Don't click on anything in the pulldown menu. Just click on Search on the left there between Home and My Account, not the Search button on the right side of the banner. The second tab is Browse by Genre.

katlover avatar
Date Posted: 8/22/2007 7:45 PM ET
Member Since: 7/29/2007
Posts: 161
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Well, that was why I posted the question originally. Help SAYS there will be a Browse by Genre tab if I do that, but one does NOT show up for me. It may sound strange to you if you see one on your computer, but one does not show up on mine. Sigh.

Cathy avatar
Cathy A. (Cathy) - ,
Date Posted: 8/22/2007 10:23 PM ET
Member Since: 12/27/2005
Posts: 4,240
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That is strange. What do you have? Here's what I see:


Advanced Search - Books Posted Today - NYT Best Seller List - Pulitzer Prize Winners - Newbery Medal Winners

Book Search___Browse by Genre ___Member Book Search___Browse by Title___Saved Searches


katlover avatar
Date Posted: 8/22/2007 11:12 PM ET
Member Since: 7/29/2007
Posts: 161
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I just figured it out. I was putting the pointer over it, and that did not show a choice of Books by Genre.


HOWEVER, when I CLICK on it, then it DOES show Books by Genre.


Mystery solved!  =^..^=