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Topic: Bundles of books by same author for one credit! Six offers! (3/1 and 2/1)

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daysleeper avatar
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Subject: Bundles of books by same author for one credit! Six offers! (3/1 and 2/1)
Date Posted: 5/27/2009 6:33 PM ET
Member Since: 1/14/2009
Posts: 175
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Check out my bookshelf! I have six authors with multiple books available. I'll ship all books by one author for one credit. That means for some authors you would 2 for 1; for others you would get 3 for 1. Please note that I've listed The Talisman under King AND Straub, so whoever claims it first gets it! PM me with your request and post here too. Hope you find something you want! Thanks!

Judy Blume (3 for 1)

Places I Never Meant to Be (edited by Blume) //  Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing //  Summer Sisters

Christine Feehan (2 for 1)

Dark Symphony  //  Oceans of Fire

Marshall Fishwick (2 for 1)

Popular Culture: From Cavespace to Cyberspace  // Popular Culture in a New Age

 Stephen King (3 for 1)

The Eyes of the Dragon  // Firestarter  // The Talisman*

Peter Straub (3 for 1)

Koko  // Shadowlands  // The Talisman*

 Tennessee Williams (2 for 1)

The Glass Menagerie  //  A Streetcar Named Desire