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Topic: car insurance

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checkingmypulse avatar
Subject: car insurance
Date Posted: 10/23/2007 11:59 AM ET
Member Since: 1/11/2006
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Do any of you with a same sex partner have a car insurance plan that you're on TOGETHER?  I'm with nationwide and they don't offer it - the only way for Greta and I to be on the same plan is to put our names on the titles of both of our cars but we don't own either car outright yet so the titles can't be changed. 



JavaJuice avatar
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Date Posted: 10/23/2007 10:22 PM ET
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We have State Farm - our insurance agent is cool, knows we are a couple & yes, both of our names are on both car insurances.

Richard-luvs-Reading avatar
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Date Posted: 10/24/2007 12:38 AM ET
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I think you can add another driver for car coverage, if there is more than one primary driver of a vehicle.

              However, this would only increase rates on both of your individual vehicles.

                        Obviously, this would not be the effect you are seeking.

       I was thinking if you have more than one policy with an agency, that hopefully they would give you a

             multiple-policy or family policy discount. 

       Also, my instincts have always been if I gave permission for my car to be used by another person, that

            my car insurance coverage will also cover my "guest" driver too.

         Additionally, I can remember my car insurance also covering me if I happened to be driving another

              vehicle such as a rental car, etc.

                  Jessie, there has gotta be an online list someplace of LGBTQ-friendly car insurance companies...

bookaddicted avatar
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Date Posted: 10/24/2007 12:52 AM ET
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I think it varies state by state as to who can share insurance on vehicles. Most likely PA doesn't have anything for GLBT couples seeing as there are no real protections in any other area of life.

checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 10/24/2007 11:07 AM ET
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This is what my agent said (copying his emails):

Hi Jessie,          I received your message from saturday. Currently we do not offer an multi car discount for partnerships. Here's what i will do , currently you are receiving the multi car discount because of your father but i don't know how long that will last because we made an address change to your policy. if  that discount would be removed i will cross reference your partners number with yours and see if that will work. i can't promise it will stick but i will try. That was the reason i was always draging my feet in makeing the change when you first moved.

I responded:

I know, I was dragging about making the change too but I figured it was time to grow up! :) We would actually really like to be on the same plan anyway - is that easy to do?   Thanks for all of your help!

He responded: Hi,      The only way for that to be able to be done would be to have both vehicles titled in both names.  sounds easy however since you have a loan on the car and the bank still holds the title then until its paid off you can't modify the title.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 10/24/2007 10:39 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 1/18/09 2:34 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
amandaa avatar
Date Posted: 10/25/2007 9:41 AM ET
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my ex gf and I lived together for a few years and had the same car insurance policy and received multi-car discount.... we had our own names on our own cars but were insured on each other's car so we could drive them.

checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 10/25/2007 12:32 PM ET
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progessive doesn't look very promising.  i did send them an email so we'll see.  as of now, i've only found esurance

L avatar
L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 10/25/2007 2:42 PM ET
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I wonder if you can modify the loan(s) and re-title them in both names?  You would both have to assume the loan(s).  It might cost a bit but you may still save on ins.

And people don't freaking get why gay marriage is so important to the GLBT community!!

checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 10/25/2007 4:25 PM ET
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I know, L, this is one of the prime reasons why it's so important. 

Criskat avatar
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Date Posted: 10/26/2007 5:14 AM ET
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Chris and I are on the same policy. My car is in my name only. Her car while the title says just her name, the registration is in both our names. So we get the multi car discount. It's been like this for over 18 years. Funny thing was, about 7 or 8 years ago when she purchased a new car and I wasn't on the title but she was on the title of the car I was driving we contacted Allstate about switching the insurance to her as the primary policy holder. They just left it the same.

While you cannot change the title of a car if it is owned by the bank and you, you can put any name on the registration that you want and it's the registration that the insurance companies ask for, not the title.

checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 10/26/2007 10:04 AM ET
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I'll ask my agent about the registration thing, Kathi.  Thanks!