2006 - Treasury of Bedtime Stories (Hardcover) → Hardcover ISBN-13: 9780785379096 ISBN-10: 0785379096 Genres: Children's Books, Literature & Fiction 1 2000 - Perseverance the Tortoise and the Hare [Tales of Virtue] (Paperback) ISBN-13: 9780785343059 ISBN-10: 0785343059 Genre: Children's Books 1 1996 - Jingle Bells [my Little Christmas book] (Paperback) → Paperback ISBN-13: 9780785320777 ISBN-10: 0785320776 2 1996 - The Elves and the Shoemaker [My Little Christmas Book] (Hardcover) ISBN-13: 9780785320791 ISBN-10: 0785320792 1 1996 - Rudolph's Adventure [My Little Christmas Book] (Other) → Paperback ISBN-13: 9780785320845 ISBN-10: 0785320849 Genres: Children's Books, Christian Books & Bibles ? 1995 - The Nutcracker (Other) → Paperback ISBN-13: 9780785313625 ISBN-10: 0785313621 Genre: Children's Books ? 1995 - The Little Drummer Boy [Candy Cane Book] (Hardcover) ISBN-13: 9780785313632 ISBN-10: 078531363X 2 1995 - The Christmas Mouse (Hardcover) → Paperback ISBN-13: 9780785313670 ISBN-10: 0785313672 Genre: Children's Books ? 1995 - Treasury of Christmas Tales (Other) ISBN-13: 9780785315254 ISBN-10: 078531525X Genre: Literature & Fiction 3 1994 - The Magic Toy Shop [Favorite Christmas Tales] (Paperback) ISBN-13: 9780785304135 ISBN-10: 0785304134 Genre: Children's Books 1 1994 - The Three Billy Goats Gruff [Children's favorite stories] (Other) ISBN-13: 9780785308249 ISBN-10: 0785308245 1 1994 - The Pied Piper of Hamelin (Other) ISBN-13: 9780785308263 ISBN-10: 0785308261 Genre: Literature & Fiction ? 1993 - Frosty's Snowy Day [Favorite Christmas Tales] (Hardcover) ISBN-13: 9781561737123 ISBN-10: 1561737127 Genres: Children's Books, Substores ? 1992 - Frosty's Snowy Day [My Little Christmas Book] (Paperback) ISBN-13: 9781561738021 ISBN-10: 1561738026 1 The Magic Toy Shop [My Little Christmas Book] (Paperback) → Paperback ISBN-13: 9780785301738 ISBN-10: 0785301739 ? Jingle Bells Favorite Christmas Tales [Favorite Christmas Tales] (Paperback) ISBN-13: 9780785304142 ISBN-10: 0785304142 ? |