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Topic: Cassie Edwards

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FrenchProf avatar
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Subject: Cassie Edwards
Date Posted: 9/12/2007 3:53 PM ET
Member Since: 3/24/2007
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Hi Girls,

Are any of you Cassie Edwards fans?  I just read in the Romantic Times that she had published her 100th book., so I picked it up at the grocery store last week.  I haven't read much western historical, but for anyone to write 100 books about the subject bears some looking into. LOL  I just started Savage Skies last night.  Today at my friend's UBS I found Savage Intrigue and Savage Rage.

Let me know what you all think of her.

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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 4:46 PM ET
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hmm..I've heard of her..think I used to read hers for the steamy scenes...havne't read much historical the past several years though...

MiMi-G avatar
Date Posted: 9/12/2007 4:59 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 1/19/09 10:01 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 5:00 PM ET
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I've read a few but they seem to all be very similar. 

shotlady avatar
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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 5:22 PM ET
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I haven't read her in a long time - I don't remember what I thought of them, but obviously they didn't stick out as keepers!

FWIW, she is one of the authors no longer reviewed at AAR ( because so many of her books got "F" reviews. 


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Date Posted: 9/13/2007 8:48 AM ET
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I read her many years ago, but as I matured I discovered that, to me, she is not a very good writer.  She uses very simple sentences, and compared to more skilled writers reminded me of the level of what a high-schooler could produce.  She is not the only one I feel this way about (Nora Hess and Connie Mason come quickly to mind).  I guess I prefer "meatier" text and dialogue.

But that's just me :)


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Date Posted: 9/13/2007 9:25 AM ET
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I enjoyed the first couple of books that I read, but after a few....they are all so similar that you really start to feel like you are reading the same book over and over again.  Even now when I'm searching for something to read and can't find what I'm looking for, I'll bypass all of her books even if it means reading nothing at all that day.

Melissa B.



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Date Posted: 9/13/2007 10:06 AM ET
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OMG, Nora Hess is horrible i think !!! I've never read Cassie Edwards but one Nora Hess book was all it took to never pick one of hers up again!!

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Date Posted: 9/13/2007 10:49 AM ET
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Well at least they are easy to disern that you will either love or hate them pretty quickly because their books are all basically the same.  I'll still read them if they come in a book lot from ebay.  Only if there is something else I want in the lot.  Some authors are harder though.  Like Catherine Coulter.  I've read some of her books that were really good. And some that were just awful.  I read Rebel Bride recently.  I wanted to burn it in effegy in the front yard.  I've offered it as a freebie.  It fits the guidelines of being postable.  It's just so bad that I can't charge anyone a credit for it!!

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Date Posted: 9/13/2007 1:47 PM ET
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I lump Cassie Edwards and Nora Hess in the same pile...really bad writing!THe stories are so bland and 'formula 'although Ms Edwards do provide great historical facts...

I hope that the average person choosing a Western historical Romance never pick these authors...I think it'll put you off this sub genre for sure :)

FrenchProf avatar
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Date Posted: 9/14/2007 1:13 PM ET
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WOW,  This has not been a ringing endorsement  for Cassie Edwards.  I'll give one of ther books a try, but your comments don't make me want to carve out a large block of time to read her books.  Oh well, I guess they can't be all winners.