Boredom sank into Jeff Solomon and threatened his sanity almost as much as the crash of his car threatened his life. He hated television and refused to watch it. This solitary decision was mystifying to him, but never as much as it was to his best friend Charlie. In the twenty first century a television is as common as a toilet. Growing up, Jeff’s father was a preacher before he lost his faith and went into sales. But as a preacher or a salesman Francis Solomon never relinquished his admonitions from the bible. Francis spoke of Fire and Brimstone as other people might talk of baseball. He found it an old habit hard to kill, even as he left the comfort of his congregation. Being in close proximity of a man with such high ideals was bound to rub off on an impressionable child. Jeff would be embarrassed to admit to this day that at a small age he actually thought his father was God. He rationalizes now that it was the followers and their blind faith in his father that convinced him that he was a son of a Supreme Being. But a part of Jeff that he himself hasn’t come to terms with yet, knows that it had nothing to do with the church. Francis was a powerful man without uttering a word of Gospel. He had the kind of soul that was never wrong and commanded respect with ever fiber of his body. This was all well and good for the neighbor across the street, but for a child during his development years it was a living nightmare. One that Jeff could never wake from. One of Francis’ warnings that somehow stuck with Jeff was the devilish influence of the television. Francis refused to allow an instrument of evil to squirm its way inside the sanctuary of home. Although Jeff far from believed the comparisons of worshipping the golden calf along with the insidious threat of consumerism with owning a boob tube, he still found that he didn’t really have much use for the thing. He often wonders if his unusual edict was a blessing or a curse. His friend Charlie makes the constant argument that a modern man learns truth from lies by what can be seen on a television. This is Charlie’s way of slamming Jeff’s profession a police detective. “You’re just not whole without the T.V. experience.” Charlie would say with some humor as well as a streak of seriousness that Jeff could always detect underneath. “You’ll never be able to read people like I can.” Charlie said. For the most part Jeff would laugh Charlie’s comments off. After all, he knew Charlie flipped burger at the local diner. An honest profession, but mixed with the knowledge that Charlie didn’t possess the smarts for much more of a challenge than cooking calmed the effects of his sometimes harsh words. Jeff did buy a television a few months back. The reason for this purchase might be the continuous pressure from people like Charlie or his partner Carl. The real impetus to his jaunt in the world of technology was simply curiosity. He wanted to know what all the hype was about. At dinner parties parents would always admit that their child was obsessed with the invention. It was like their child’s television use was out of their control altogether. Jeff never got this struggle that seemed to plague the world. How hard was it to just turn off the knob? He asked himself. Jeff was resolute in his entry into popular culture. He ordered a pizza and lined up a six-pack of Bud lights in a bottle. He loved them in a bottle. The cans just tasted funny to him like he could taste the metal from the aluminum. He didn’t think that was possible, but he bought the bottles just in case. He placed the pizza box in front of him and catapulted the cardboard lid open to reveal the cheesy delight. It had been two hours since the cableguy left and he planned this event with all the foresight of a General preparing for conquest. Jeff’s mind thinks about the Cableguy’s question. “You want me to set the channels in television for you? It would be no problem.” he said. Jeff’s mind didn’t even know how to react to the inquiry. Don’t they have all the channels built in to the set? He wanted to ask the installer. He knew enough to guess that the cableguy would look at him as a Martian new to Earth. Instead he gave a subtle nod that sent the cableguy into a barrage of movements and gestures. His involvement with the remote control caused the channels to blink from one to the next and snow-filled to crystal clear in a short enough time that may have forced a person prone to epilepsy to reach for a wooden spoon and bite down onto it. When all was said and done the cable guy killed the picture and the remote was handed to Jeff like the Spear of Destiny. He thanked the cable magician and prayed that he didn’t come off like an Amish man afraid of the strange voices from a phone or a caveman transfixed by the miracle of fire. He felt he came out unscathed by the exchange, but who could know? Jeff hoisted a slice of pizza to his mouth and watched the tip of the pie slump below his mouth. It pointed toward the floor. He arched his wrist above his head and slid the glistening wonder into his gaping mouth. His eyes rolled back into his head as the warm delicacy melted between his teeth. Nothing like a pizza, he told himself. Jeff put down the slice, popped open the cap on the beer bottle and took a swig feeling the angry carbonation tickle his tongue before it drained to his stomach. Without forcing himself, a belch erupted from him without notice. Jeff eyes the remote control beside the future beers he will soon drink. He nods his head as if he’s answering the controller itself. “Alright.” He picks up the remote and finds the orange power button with his thumb and presses the rubber circle down. The television illuminated to life in a neon glow that caused Jeff to squint for a moment in the dim room. His eyes adjusted to the screen when a woman appeared and stretched downward pressing her chest into her knees. The woman revealed her backside to the audience like her ass was doing the talking. Jeff couldn’t believe his sight. Women and men were doing the same thing in a circle around her. It wasn’t that Jeff never seen people in an aerobics class or that he never seen a dirty magazine because he’s seen both. Something else was getting to him. The extreme close-ups messed with him. The way the camera would zoom into the women’s tight breasts or the curves that lead to her inner thigh. It was like the cameraman was manipulating where his eyes would fall. He tried not to focus on the sensitive areas of the girls bodies, but inevitably he would revert to the places that were taboo. To Jeff it was like learning your instincts all over again. From the age of a teenager he understood that staring at a woman’s cleavage wasn’t appropriate and here he was a student again learning right from wrong. Jeff searched the remote for a button that will switch the channel a placed a digit onto it. Light is removed and returned as the channel moves to the next in the number order. Jeff is eased by a family ordering a pizza from the same place he did an hour ago. The commercial highlights the toppings and then for one inexplicable moment the camera leans in for a better look at the mother’s ample chest. “What the hell?” he said. His eyes don’t leave her cleavage until the scene changes to another commercial. As the next ad continues his eyes have already scanned for the female. This isn’t me, he told himself. There wasn’t anyone to catch him or to stop him. He was a voyeur and for the first time in his life he understood what the thrill of television was. To watch someone when they didn’t know you were watching was a sensation that never took him over. His father’s voice tumbled into his head for the first time since he was a child. It wasn’t a remembrance of his father’s plentiful words; It was a channeling of his warnings followed by a request from Jeff to get a television. This sinful contraption will pull your soul down into the bowels of hell! Francis spoke in Jeff’s mind. For the first time since adulthood Jeff agreed with all of his heart. A feeling of guilt rushed through Jeff as one scantily dressed woman after another sashayed across the screen. Panic filled him from a place that was unknown and alien. He pushed the power button and heard the television make a whooshing sound before it went black. For a moment it crackled from static electricity. Jeff thought the sound closely resembled the same noise the candy Pop Rocks would make when a child would empty a whole packet into their mouth. Jeff carried the thirty-six inch Magnavox into the spare bedroom and propped into an old file cabinet. The electric cord was wrapping around the set like a snake constricting its victim. The end of the cord stared at Jeff with its deadly three-pronged face. That was the last time that he watched the television and he was glad for it. He still felt a pang of regret when the cable bill came every month. His service agreement was due to continue for another half a year. But that was okay to him; lesson learned. Charlie just walked through the door like he had for the last ten years. It was a friendly moment that they shared with each other before they started their days. Charlie would eat his breakfast with Jeff and head to the diner to start his workday and Jeff would eat with Charlie and head to the police station. Of course since he’s been on sick leave he hasn‘t gone anywhere but to the couch. Still, Jeff was happy that they’re little routine survived the accident. Their breakfasts together made him feel safe somehow. Jeff’s ex-girlfriend Nancy never understood this ritual of theirs. And what she didn’t understand compelled her to destroy it. “I’m with you now.” She would say. “You don’t need no grown man coming into your house to have breakfast with you every morning. It looks kinda funny, like you are a…you know.” Nancy said and not trying to be subtle. It never worked out with Nancy. Not because she disliked Charlie, but that didn’t help matters. The reason was more that Jeff thought Nancy was fundamentally a bad person. You couldn’t see her malice in her day-to-day actions. She had a way of concealing her faults like a magician pulling the wool over the eyes of the audience and keeping the knowledge of his illusion safely to himself. Her conversations gave herself away to Jeff. She was a dam that would seep continuous water forever with out allowing the entire payload to break through. Jeff remembered snippets of bile that made its way past the breach. Nancy’s feelings of orphans, vagabonds, fast food workers, and people on welfare were disturbing to say the least. A college education was enough for her to look down on anyone who resided in a lower station in life. The whole attitude made Jeff sick to his stomach. Although Jeff gave Nancy the old heave hoe, she managed to come around every once and a while to try and worm her way back in. Jeff figured that a woman like her wasn’t used to being dumped and if she was the one who dumped him she would be long gone. Charlie made the toast while Jeff manned the eggs. “I’m starving Jeffy boy,” Charlie said in a cartoon voice. “Me too Charlie.” Jeff agreed absently while he scanned the newspaper folded in half. A headline caught his attention as he began to read to himself. The crackle of the eggs slowed his train of thought. He scooped up the hard eggs with a spatula and tossed them onto a plate. “Listen to this Charlie.” Jeff reads for the paper. “Astrologers have discovered a solar flare from a dying sun a million light years away. The large star engulfed its solar system before its cataclysmic event.” Charlie wipes butter generously across the four pieces of toast. “You’re not putting too much butter on mine are you Charlie?” “Nope, not at all.” he said as a part of their normal routine. “Do you understand what this means Charlie?” Charlie shakes his head. “Before we were born, maybe before any man was born this event happened and just now the light is reaching Earth. Isn’t that amazing?” “Yeah amazing, Jeffy.” Charlie scooped the eggs onto his plate and already started to pile them onto the toast. “Alright fine.” Jeff gave up his attempt to enlighten. Jeff cannot believe the speed that Charlie shoved food down his throat. “Easy tiger. Nobody’s gonna take that from you,” Jeff mused. “Bill might,” Charlie said between forked bites of eggs. “What’s that Charlie?” “Bill the mailman, he might. On my way here I saw him with a huge piece of meat.” “So?” Jeff asked as he squished his toast against a hill of eggs as leverage for his fork. “Bill was burying it in his yard.” Jeff’s ears perked up. “You had to be mistaken.” Charlie’s head twisted back and forth. “Bill was on all fours like a dog digging in his backyard. He was holding onto the long meat like I was going to take it from him. I tried to look away, but I couldn’t. Bill had an angry look as he was digging with his hand. When he was done digging he put the meat into the ground and covered it back up with dirt. I think he kinda growled at me too. Then he just ran into his house.” Jeff didn’t know what to do with Charlie’s information. “That is strange,” Jeff admitted. Charlie slid the last of his breakfast into his mouth and washed it down with some Sunny Delight. “I gotta go Jeffy. Ray said if I’m late one more time he’ll tan my hide, whatever that means.” “Then you better go. I definitely think Ray will do it.” Charlie headed for the door. “When is your cast coming off?” Charlie asked. “The doc says next week. You want to hang tonight?” Jeff asked. “Can’t, tonight’s a Lost marathon.” Jeff smiled at the confession. “Right. See you tomorrow Charlie.” With Charlie gone Jeff doesn’t know what to do with the ocean of time that had to be wasted like every day for weeks. He shuffled through a magazine and attempted to read the latest copy of a Stephen King novel for the second time. With the ending stuck in his mind, the thrill of the chase was gone. The thought of Bill’s odd behavior returned again and again. What was he doing? Jeff looked at his wall of periodicals with contempt. “I need out of here.” Jeff hobbled to his wheelchair and pushed the large wheels over to a drawer next to the kitchen sink. He yanked out a few tools and prepared for the removal of his plaster prison. An hour later the leg was freed. He looked down at his shriveled leg that resembled the pale white of a corpse. Gross! he said to himself. Jeff tested the stability of the leg with his weight. The leg seemed to hold, but he needed an antique cane that he once bought at a yard sale years ago. He like the Saint Bernard that was carved into the wood top and he never would have guessed he would have to use it to walk. He tried several times to lean on the cane for support before he understood where he needed to focus his weight. He managed the task and headed for the door for the first time in weeks. The neighborhood had an ominous quiet for a Summer morning. Jeff expected neighbors to be working on their lawns or children playing outside at the very least. Nothing, no movement. Jeff walked slow past the line of houses and headed down the back alley that led to Bill’s house. He watched Bill’s home come into sight as his deliberated steps brought him closer. He stood in front of the chain-linked fence and studied the mound of brown dirt in the center of the green grass that was lusher than any other on the street. Jeff averted his eyes from the mound to the windows of Bill’s House. The windows seemed to be eyes that watched him with disdain. “Here we go,” Jeff said without an optimistic tone. Jeff leaned forward over the fence and used gravity to help his cause. The top half of his body is propelled past the top rail with his weight dragging the bottom half over and hard onto the manicured lawn. The fall jarred Jeff’s leg enough to wonder if any further damage was caused. The slight pain subsided to Jeff’s relief. Back onto his feet, Jeff staggered to the mound and allowed himself one last look at the Bill’s home. Still silent to his presence. Jeff dug into the dirt with his hands feeling the cold earth between his fingers. He glanced up once or twice while he pushed dirt from the hole. When his hand reached the meat that Charlie spoke of, the clammy flesh startled him to a stop. He continued to empty the blanket of ground until he pulled the meat from its shallow grave. He wiped at the meat as he stared at eye level with the Barbarian sized chicken leg. He wiped again and this time he saw for the first time for what it really was. He threw the meat two feet in front of him as he pushed himself back two feet. He stared through the meat for a moment. Jeff was unable to wrap his mind around the concept. It’s a human leg, he told himself. But not fully aware of the implications. He melted into a slow realization. He understood that it was a woman’s leg. He couldn’t be sure, but it must have been Lucy’s, the wife of Bill. Without a conscious decision he pulled himself up with help from the cane and backed away from the leg like it was a dangerous snake. The house takes on an evil expression when it gazed back at him. Jeff pictured Bill running toward him with arms flailing and a butcher’s knife grasped in his hand. This image motivated Jeff to pull his full weight onto his leg. He cleared the fence with no problem this go round. At the police station Carl stared back at Jeff with seriousness that only a partner could have mustered. “Did you get the leg?” Carl asked. The question infuriated Jeff; it was a question he may have asked. “No, I didn’t,” He admits. “But when we go back there…” “Whoa, whoa, You are on sick leave and you are not involved in the official investigation,” Carl warned. “Like hell I’m not,” Jeff said. Carl looked over his hobbled partner and smiled. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll check it out and call you the moment I find out anything.” Jeff shook his head. “I’ll keep you in the loop. It’s the best I can do.” Jeff realized Carl’s dilemma and agreed. “Alright. But you better call the very second you find something.” Carl nodded. For the first time at the police station Jeff is struck by the absence of workers in the building. “Where is everyone?” Carl gave Jeff an uneasy look. “It’s the freakiest thing. More than half the force called in sick and half of those never bothered to call in at all.” “No call, no show?” Jeff asked. “I know, I was thinking the same thing. Maybe a flu is going around,” Carl guessed. “Get home and off your feet. I’ll call, don’t worry.” Jeff released a look that told Carl he’d better. When Jeff woke from his nap, the day was gone and replaced by the night. A red light flashed from his answering machine and with a quick gesture the recall button was pushed. A familiar voice sprung to life in his living room: Jeff! This is Carl. I went to the mailman’s house and he wasn’t home. I found the hole in the backyard, but no leg. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. We seem to have a more pressing problem at the moment. The switchboard lit up after you left with calls of attacks from around the town. Do me a favor and stay in your house and lock your door. Don’t leave no matter what. And don’t worry I’ll go check on Charlie for you. The machine clicked off. “Charlie!” Jeff screamed. He dialed the phone and listened as the line ringed on and on. No one answered. “Come on Charlie,” he tried again with the same result. He sat in the dark and heard the faint sound of a scream far off in the distance. He trained his ears to hear the noise and blocked the background from him. As if from the air itself a loud knock on the door shook his nerves with the jolt. He fumbled in the lightless room to the door and peered through the keyhole at a woman’s figure that stood on the porch. Jeff couldn’t make out her features in the gloom. “Who is it?” he asked. The figure, wrapped in shadows, remained silent. Jeff eyed the chain that secured the door and slid it from its place of rest. He looked through the keyhole once again to find that she hadn’t moved. His next order of business was the deadbolt. He placed a finger on the lever and felt it turn easy in his grip. With the door free to open, Jeff turned the knob and pulled the door from its frame to see the porch empty with only the moonlight revealing the barren steps. He found that he was holding his breath and released the air in a heavy sigh. He swung the door shut, but before the door’s distance could be completed a heavy thud rocked the door back Jeff’s direction. The impact from solid oak tossed Jeff to the carpet below. He looked up and saw for the first time exactly who forced their way in. “Nancy?” he asked not sure of himself. Nancy lumbered into the living room closer to Jeff. He could see the wild expression on her face and brown lumps that have grown along her neck, jawbone, and forehead. He moved back toward the couch and gave himself a safer distance from his ex-girlfriend. “What happened to you?” She walked closer to Jeff. He managed to unlock the mysterious growths on her face. Hair jutted in every direction from her skin. He would have sworn that he could see the hair grow as he watched her. Her appearance took on that of an ape, but not one he ever spied at the zoo. The image of the apes in the movie Planet of the Apes registered in his brain. She was an ape with human features. Either way he didn’t want to be there any longer. “Hungry,” she spoke like something impeded her throat from its normal vocalization. “No problem, I’ll get you something to eat right away.” Jeff started for the kitchen. Nancy followed his movements. “No, That’s okay, I can get it myself. Just stay where you are.” he said. But she didn’t stay. She kept advancing. “Please stay where you are,” Jeff begged. In a panic, he bolted to the kitchen and searched around his kitchen. Before he was able to find a satisfactory weapon, Nancy was around his waist with her teeth sinking into his thigh. She only managed to tear a swatch of his jeans along with applying a painful pinch of his skin in the process. Jeff swiveled his head back and forth for something, anything. He spotted a rolling pin that was used mostly for decoration. He pushed himself forward and grabbed the handle just as Nancy returned her gapping mouth to his thigh. Her teeth sunk into his skin. The pain almost caused him to let loose the rolling pin. Instead, Jeff slammed the wood dough roller against her skull with as much strength as he could. Her teeth no longer clamped onto him as a dull expression captured her face. She fell to the floor like a stuffed animal. Jeff surveyed the damage on his thigh and found only shallow cuts where her teeth were plunged. Jeff snapped on the radio and guided the knob past the crackle of static to a clear station. He studied his handy work as Nancy roused in a chair with a rope twisted around her countless times. He tied her hands for good measure, turned back to the radio, and listened with more effort. At the local radio station a forum of speakers squawked loud and interrupted each other nonstop. “I think this rash of cannibalistic murders in our town is a viral infection like the outbreak of the A.I.D.S virus.” A voice screamed over the airways a moment before another voice pushed its way in. “That’s ridiculous! This outbreak has nothing to do with something natural.” “Then what caused it?” A third voice asked. “I think it has to do with the star that exploded in another galaxy.” Laughter erupted all around him from the men grouped together over the airwaves. “Think about it, the moment the light from that star reached Earth the chaos began.” Again the laughter soared above the speakers comments. “I know we have to think outside the box, but that’s just stupid.” A condescending voice replied. Jeff cut off the radio and stared at Nancy. The fur covered her face and neck. He scooted a chair close to his ex-girlfriend and aligned his eyes with hers. “What happened to you Nancy?” She looked up at Jeff and seemed to see through him as if his skin were transparent. “Please Nancy, answer me,” Jeff pleaded. “I was watching television,” she said as if the words were foreign to her or she discovered the language for the first time as she spoke. “Felt a shock pass through me from the screen. I got so hungry.” She stopped and looked at Jeff. Saliva fell from her opened mouth. “You look like food to me,” she said. The idea careened in his brain out of control. He moved from Nancy to his spare bedroom. He brought out the television set, unwrapped the cord, and plugged the end in the receptacle. He sat motionless in front of the television and couldn’t bring himself to turn the thing on. His father’s voice returned for a visit. I won’t bring evil into this house. Nothing good will come of allowing yourself to become a zombie for that hellish invention. “You were right pop, and I never listened. I’m sorry,” Jeff said. He turned the television in a half circle and aimed the screen to face Nancy head on. He faced away from the front of the screen and looked into Nancy’s eyes a second before he pressed the power button. The television came to life and made Nancy’s face shine with an eerie glow. At first Nancy seemed to avoid the screen, but soon she focused all of her attention to the mundane programming. Jeff knew she wasn’t watching the television anymore. She was soaking in something else from it. He watched as black hairs grew out of her pores in places he would have sworn before that day that hair couldn’t grow; shouldn’t grow. He had the urge to pull the cords from the wall and end this freak-show. But he wouldn’t stop this; he had to know what it would do to her. He sensed hair growing on himself. He looked down and seen no growth on his arms. Relief washed through him. Nancy’s hair continued to grow and now her arms plumped and elongated inches more than normal. To Jeff it resembled someone who inflated a basketball too much. Her spine contorted in an unnatural position until her vertebras protruded like sharp edges of a spear. “Nancy? Can you hear me?” Jeff said, more from the guilt he felt for finishing her transformation than her well being. Her eyes bulged from her socket like they were not meant for her body anymore. Nancy’s tongue stretched from her mouth and took the shape of a serpent. The tongue forked supernaturally splitting apart in Jeff’s presence. The sight was too much for Jeff to bear. In a moment of anger Jeff pushed the television with all his power. It slid hard of the table until it crashed on its side onto the tile floor. The plastic cabinet collapsed and caused sparks to rise along with a cloud of smoke and was no more. He saw that the changes still occurred in Nancy. Maybe the crackpot on the radio was right. Maybe it does have to do with the dying solar system. Perhaps a world in that galaxy was wiped away by the power of that sun. An image of a nuclear force stronger than a billion nuclear missiles propelling millions of souls through the universe appeared in Jeff’s mind. And yesterday the first light of that long dead world made a visit to Earth. It may not have been the right answer, but it seemed plausible enough to Jeff. Somehow they made their way through the televisions to a waiting host. Lucky us. Jeff limped into his bedroom and opened his sock drawer. His revolver stared back at him next to his badge. He plucked the gun from its hiding place and felt the cold steel in his hands. Before the feeling that moved him to the gun could end, he stood in front of Nancy. She no longer looked like herself or even human for that matter. Her bulged eyes stared to Jeff. He pointed the pistol at his ex-girlfriend and fingered the trigger. Nancy moved her mouth to speak. “Jeff?” She spoke with a sound that was unrecognizable to Jeff. He closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. He felt the violent vibration of the gun and watched Nancy slump in her chair. “One more stop tonight,” he said. Jeff stood in front of Charlie’s house and noticed his partner Carl’s police car parked by the curb. Not a good sign, he told himself and walked up the path that led to Charlie’s one story home. He wondered how many people turned on their television that night to find out what was going on and got taken over. A bunch he bet. The lights were on in Charlie’s place and for a second he thought he saw movement. Maybe not. He continued up the stone path to the door. It was half open. He slid the door in the rest of the way and walked through the frame. A television blared across the room facing him like a rabid dog. Jeff aimed his gun at the set and pulled the trigger to end the night’s programs. The sound of the gun echoed off the walls of the small home. Jeff never budged for a long time. He didn’t want to discover the mystery of Charlie’s whereabouts. He moved himself like he was made of concrete into the living room. He found Carl’s police uniform torn and filled with dried blood. He picked up the shreds of fabric and screamed through the house. “CHARLIE!” He stood still for what felt like an eternity. A noise in the kitchen stoked his attention. He heard a low shuffling of feet on the floor or rubbing fabric, he couldn’t tell. Before he could make any more guesses Charlie appeared in the doorway that led to the kitchen. He walked slow and dragged something behind him that he couldn’t for the life of him make out. Then in horror Jeff understood what he was seeing. Charlie was dragging Carl by the arm with only his torso remaining. The sight made Jeff sick. Blood covered Charlie’s face. Just as Jeff prepared himself to fire his gun. A bullet rang out in the room. Jeff went down hard on the living room floor. He felt a sting in his stomach and chest. He looked down to verify his worst fear. Smoke billowed from Carl’s gun now in Charlie’s hand. Charlie, now covered in fur and razor-sharp vertebras like Nancy, moved closer to Jeff. Jeff tried to reach for the gun when a frightening revelation came to him. I can’t move my body, he thought. The bullet that entered his chest went straight through his spine and severed it. He sat motionless and waited for his best friend to arrive. Charlie leans inches from Jeff’s face. “Guess we won’t be having breakfast tomorrow.” Jeff said. “That’s alright, you always put too much butter on my toast.” Charlie’s bulged eyes grow wider. He dives into Jeff’s chest and takes a bite out of his friend. “I love you Charlie!” A tear rolled down Jeff’s face. Charlie continued to eat. |