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Topic: changing icon

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pondfrogs avatar
Subject: changing icon
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 10:51 AM ET
Member Since: 6/13/2007
Posts: 905
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I have a question about changing my icon on my setting page.  I delected my old one and then tried to put in a new one but it keeps reverting back to the old one (even tho' I deleted the old one off my computer).  it is within the size requirements so I don't know hwy it keeps doing that?  any suggestions?  thanks !

junie avatar
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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 11:22 AM ET
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Did you click Update Settings?  If you did, try to log off, and go back on again. 

pondfrogs avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 11:32 AM ET
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I clicked update but it keeps going back to the old icon.  I have tried shutting my computer down  and logging off.  I have even tried different sizes, all within the 75x75 requirements and kb's.  I even deleted the old icon off my computer but no luck  :-( 

pondfrogs avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 11:47 AM ET
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well, that's really weird.  I put in the un-sized pic and it showed up.  guess it didn't like the smaller version  :-)

thanks for your help june  :-)

dappledart avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 11:53 AM ET
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Sometimes it is your computer (or server). Either can have a tendency to "cache" the pages that you look at, so that when you request it again they can fetch it faster for you by sending the view they saved when you were there last.

I don't know whether that explanation made sense... but trying "refreshing" the page. (the 2-little-circling-green-arrows icon if you are using internet explorer.)

CozSnShine avatar
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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 12:34 PM ET
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I had the same problem one night and worked with it for an hour.  Sometimes one picture would show up - sometimes the other.  After doing a hard refresh on the settings page, they came out right.    I had to hold down the "Ctrl" and hit my refresh icon.  Hope that helps. 

Heloise avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 1:24 PM ET
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I had the same problem.  So I just decided to stick with the same icon.  It's very frustrating!


dmtomchick avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 4:31 AM ET
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The same thing happened to me the other day, and then a day later I made a post and there was the new icon.  Strange.  Maybe the same thing will happen with you.


royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 1:31 PM ET
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It's your browser caching (saving) the image. You need to do a hard refresh. Depending on your browser, hold you SHIFT or CTRL key and hit the REFRESH or RELOAD button. This will cause your browser to let go of the old image and accept the new one. Part of this is something built into the cookies of PBS, but it is a common occurance on lots of sites :)

pondfrogs avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 2:58 PM ET
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thaks for all the suggestions.   it finally worked when I tried a different size of the icon.  it was a bigger size (not much tho').  altho' the smaller one was within the guidelines. maybe  it was just coincidence that it took with the bigger one.  maybe it was all that repetitive uploading/deleting/restarting  (I tend to be a little overly persistant when I want something to work LOL).

btw dawn, love your icon and blikies (I just love grissom)

Cathy avatar
Cathy A. (Cathy) - ,
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 5:48 PM ET
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The cache expiration header on avatar images is a week, so it can take that long for a new one to roll out to everyone.