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Topic: Check out my bookshelf! I am new to paperbackswap.

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Subject: Check out my bookshelf! I am new to paperbackswap.
Date Posted: 7/30/2007 10:07 PM ET
Member Since: 7/28/2007
Posts: 6
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Check out my my bookshelf to see if anything you are interested in! I am new to paperbackswap.


junie avatar
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Date Posted: 7/30/2007 10:44 PM ET
Member Since: 1/14/2007
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Welcome to PBS  Sara.  Kudos to you for finding the Forums right away.  Hope you enjoy!!

achadamaia avatar
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Date Posted: 7/30/2007 10:49 PM ET
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Welcome to PBS!!!! HOpe you enjoy the club :)

kevinsbebe avatar
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Date Posted: 7/30/2007 10:57 PM ET
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I agree welcome to the forum and congrats on finding the forums quickly. I was a member for over a year before I found the forums. :) Welcome again and enjoy!!!

bookbizmom avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 9:58 AM ET
Member Since: 4/11/2007
Posts: 267
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Welcome! I'm newer too....and addicted :)

bananapancakes avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2007 10:10 AM ET
Member Since: 4/17/2007
Posts: 918
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Welcome to PBS! You have a nice bookshelf started already.