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Topic: Chuck and Larry film

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leecat2 avatar
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Subject: Chuck and Larry film
Date Posted: 7/7/2007 10:00 PM ET
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OK, reactions on the film opening soon "Chuck and Larry" about a fake gay couple registering as a married couple to keep their job benefits.

FortunesOne avatar
Date Posted: 7/9/2007 3:13 AM ET
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I was wondering about it too. I have not seen it. It does not look that great so I might just rent it when it comes out. It looks funny but it also looks like it might be really offensive. I dunno.

leecat2 avatar
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Date Posted: 7/9/2007 1:13 PM ET
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Yes, that''s the thing. Is it offensive or inclusive?  Difficult to tell from the trailer..

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Date Posted: 7/22/2007 11:38 PM ET
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I thought about seeing it when I first saw the trailer, but after having seen the trailer 200 times in the last week, I'm a little burned out.



bookaddicted avatar
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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 10:28 AM ET
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I would have to watch with one eye closed since Adam Sandler is in it. 

checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 7/23/2007 2:30 PM ET
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See, I really love Adam Sandler.  I thought about this on the way to work.  I'll probably wait until it's on On Demand, but I'm wondering the same thing - is it supportive or offensive?

bookaddicted avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 9:30 AM ET
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Reviews at Rotten Tomatoes seem to be less than stellar -for both comedy and gay stereotyping.

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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 11:11 AM ET
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My girlfriend and I are hoping that it is not offensive.  It's hard to say.....but I am wondering....  that trailer where the guy from King of Queens (Don't know his name) suggests they buy tampons, and Adam Sandler says we are not transvestites ( Something like that,  I have only seen it once.).  What the heck???   Since when do transvestites use tampons??  That little clip suggests to me that a bunch of weird misinformation is going to be in there and they just care about the laugh.   And I am still not clear on how getting together with Sandler saves his pension for his kids soooooo....I just don't get it.   Also, it seems if your same sex marriage is being tested you are going to be tempted by half naked government people trying to prove you are straight.   More Weirdness!!  lol anyway, I will check it out when I can get it cheap, but I really think it's probably bad news.
checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 7/24/2007 11:51 AM ET
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I am still not clear on how getting together with Sandler saves his pension for his kids soooooo....I just don't get it


I don't get that either!

FortunesOne avatar
Date Posted: 7/24/2007 9:04 PM ET
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I have read some reviews that say it is not very good and that the stereotypes are offensive. I didn't plan on seeing it in the theater. I am not sure if it is even rent-worthy now. Let us know if anyone sees it.

goddessani avatar
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Date Posted: 7/26/2007 5:49 PM ET
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My almost-16 year old son saw this the other day and said it was very offensive.  He's straight (his brother is gay) and part of the target audience and he said it was terrible.   He told me later that if he hadn't gone with a friend, whose mother was picking them up on her way home from work, he'd have left.

He said, I hope people don't treat my brother this way. 

bookaddicted avatar
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Date Posted: 7/26/2007 7:07 PM ET
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Kudos to your son for being an insightful and open-minded young man.


A few of the reviews I read said that while the film treats gays in a very stereotypical manner it is Asians who should really be offended for the portrayal given in the film. Frankly, given the stars, I would not have expected an enlightened or sensitive movie.

Last Edited on: 7/26/07 11:23 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 9:18 PM ET
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I saw it as well. It was incredibly offensive, even though they had the requisite "it doesn't matter" speech at the end.

Not worth the money in my humble opinion, but then again, I don't really find any jokes about oreintation funny. Perhaps I need to lighten up, but. . . nothing is funny about the word faggot.

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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 10:21 PM ET
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I saw it last weekend.. and enjoyed it, but then I like Sandler... there was something in that movie to offend everyone! I had to go see it just because it dealt, somewhat, with the whole overblown gay marriage topic...It should be a non-issue, but instead is the perfect fodder for some discussion provoking laughter.

marcym avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 12:51 PM ET
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To play the devil's advocate here, maybe just maybe this movie will point out some of the realities of same sex marriages, insurance and pensions to the straight public. Not that I see Adam Sandler playing any type of serious role, but there HAS to be at least one person who watches this movie and takes it a step further and goes "Damn, I never thought about that before!"

I'm only saying this because I didn't think of KIDS of same sex marriages not being covered by the partners insurance until recently talking to a friend about this issue. I'd like to think I am a pretty enlightened person, but this issue never once crossed my mind until this conversation. I felt a little stupid never having thought of it, but you just normally don't hear about the kids needing insurance coverage.

Anyway, crossing my fingers that at least one person digs a little deeper than the shallowness that I'm assuming a Sandler movie portrays.

Final note, you should try being a fat person and not taking offense to some of the movies out there.... Good thing this fat ass has thick skin!!

RockStarGirl avatar
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Date Posted: 8/2/2007 6:33 PM ET
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If the drive-in here has it, I'll go see it.  Usually Adam Sandler's movies have some sort of redemptive quality at the end, which is the only reason I don't just chalk them up to being "guy movies".  I can't really see him (the person) as being a true bigot, but you never know. 

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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 8:36 PM ET
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Yep. Hypothesis confimed. I need to lighten up. :P

amandaa avatar
Date Posted: 8/4/2007 10:09 AM ET
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I saw it.  And although it does play on a ton of gay stereotypes and is offensive, the ending or overall message just help to dispell some of those conventional bigotries.  It also highlights the hard work the LGBT community has accomplished while showing the consequenses for exploiting/using 'being gay' to work the system.  This movie (and the current political standing of gay rights) is just a rerun of the civil rights movement and the 2nd wave feminism-- equality for minorities.  We are living an important time here, right in the midst of our own civil rights movement-- for homosexuals. 

The thing is, it isn't the movie we should be blaming for perpetuating the heterosexual view of homosexuality.  It is society as a whole who still doesn't accept 'alternative' lifestyles.  And, yes, the question is, "alternative to what?"  Someone's sadly made-up definition of 'normal'.  All these normalities, these socially prescribed behaviors and definitions will change, they have to, to move over for those who dispell them.  Maybe having a main-stream hollywood movie in theatres can be the ice-breaker to middle-class america.