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Topic: Clearin' out some Cozies and other mysteries

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juliW avatar
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Subject: Clearin' out some Cozies and other mysteries
Date Posted: 10/29/2007 9:59 AM ET
Member Since: 8/17/2006
Posts: 634
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I'm offering the following cozies from my bookshelf at 2 for 1. Just PM me or post here with your freebie choice.

All books by Jill Churchill:

   Anything Goes (A Grace and Favor Mystery)

   In the Still of the Night (A Grace and Favor Mystery)

    Bell Book and Scandal (Jane Jeffry)

   Grime and Punishment (Jane Jeffry)

   The House of Seven Mabels (Jane Jeffry)

   A Groom WIth a View (Jane Jeffry)

     and A Midsummer Night's Scream (Jane Jeffry)

All books on my shelf by Rita Mae Brown:

    Pay Dirt (Mrs. Murphy mystery)

All books by Lillian Jackson Braun:

    The Cat Who Played Post Office 

    The Cat Who Saw Stars

And a few misc. mysteries:

      Funny Money (Haskell Blevins Mystery) by Taylor Macafferty

      Ladybug Ladybug: A Hometown Heroes Mystery by Susanna Hofmann McShea

     Old Money by Elizabeth Palmer

     Biggie and the Fricasseed Fat Man (Biggie Weatherford Mystery) by Nancy Bell

     Murder Ala Carte (Clyde Colby) by Prudy Taylor Board

     A Knife in the Back by Sally Good 

     O is for Outlaw (Kinsey Milhone) by Sue Grafton

      Mauve and Murder by Barbara Burnett Smith

I also have 3 unpostables by Jill Churchill. I will include one with any order from my shelf.

    From Here to Paternity (Jane Jeffry)

    The Class Menagerie (Jane Jeffry)

    Silence of the Hams (Jane Jeffry)

    **They are all in readable condition. **



Last Edited on: 10/31/07 9:31 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
juliW avatar
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Date Posted: 10/30/2007 3:09 PM ET
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lleewisc avatar
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Date Posted: 10/31/2007 2:43 AM ET
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Hi Juli!  I'm going to clear out your Jane Jeffreys books.  I ordered Groom and Grime, and would like MIdsummer and Mabels for my freebies.  I would also like Hams as my unpostable freebies.  Great deal, thanks!  You have an awesome shelf!  I will PM you this information, too.

juliW avatar
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Date Posted: 10/31/2007 8:12 AM ET
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Thanks Laura! Your books will be on their way this afternoon!! :) I really enjoyed the Jane Jeffry series. I think you'll really like the 5 books!

Hugs! Juli


JML avatar
Judith L. (JML) - ,
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Date Posted: 10/31/2007 9:24 AM ET
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I just ordered Biggie and the Fricassied Fat Man, (even though I can't spell it) can I have Mauve and Murder as my freebie?  Would you also throw in the The Class Menagerie (Jane Jeffry) unpostable?

juliW avatar
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Date Posted: 10/31/2007 9:33 AM ET
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Hi Judith! :) Your 3 books will be packaged up to go in the post today as soon as your order shows up on my account in an hour. :)

Hugs! Juli

JML avatar
Judith L. (JML) - ,
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Date Posted: 10/31/2007 1:04 PM ET
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Great! Thanks, Juli!

juliW avatar
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Date Posted: 11/1/2007 5:01 AM ET
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juliW avatar
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Date Posted: 11/1/2007 11:51 AM ET
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