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The Eclectic Pen - from a collection of summer haiku

By: Marjie J.  
Date Submitted: 3/14/2007
Last Updated: 4/4/2007
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 11

  The early sun is
melted butter spreading out.
A snake wakes and yawns.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Marjie J.

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Lynda S. (bookworm88) - 3/14/2007 12:30 PM ET
Hey, thats pretty cool.
Kristine S. (NHBookLover) - 3/18/2007 9:50 AM ET
I love the way this begins..........the sun as butter, reaching out to encompass all. Wonderful imagery. It if can "thaw" the snake, it can reach us all! Kris
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