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Topic: The Cove by Catherine Coulter

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3pete avatar
Subject: The Cove by Catherine Coulter
Date Posted: 4/29/2009 9:18 AM ET
Member Since: 2/13/2009
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I have read about 75 pages and its just not hooking me in.  I have put it aside for a few days, read a steamy mystery and am looking to grab something else from the TBR pile.   I know The Cove  is book one in a series so, there has to be something that keeps it going.    Will it get better?  Maybe its my mood.  I have been reading a lot of intense mysteries by Deaver and Patterson.  So, maybe this doesn't feel as rivoting because I am comparing. 

Would love to hear what others have felt about this series.  I feel like calling it quits.


punkinema avatar
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Subject: The Cove
Date Posted: 5/5/2009 8:01 PM ET
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I enjoyed the book although it did move slow in the beginning. I have read the whole series now. Some of the romances that happen in the books are a bit predictable but I really am attached Savich and his wife (whose name I don't remember at the moment).  Each book has its own theme to it but the thread is the FBI and new characters.  Some are thrillers (with horror thrown in) and some just plain mysteries. Still, I have enjoyed the books and would encourage you to try it again if you haven't already. :)

punkinema avatar
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Date Posted: 5/5/2009 8:02 PM ET
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Oh, I wouldn't call them "cozy" at all - lots of violence and macabre scenes.

Sailorslady avatar
Date Posted: 5/5/2009 8:27 PM ET
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I have read this whole series.  I usually turn to them when I'm in the mood for a very light, quick read.  I do find them enjoyable, but very fluffy.

3pete avatar
Date Posted: 5/6/2009 9:10 AM ET
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Melani & Stephanie

Thanks.  I did take a break and decided I should give it another try just yesterday.  I think I am on page 135 and its gotten a bit more edgy - which I like.  So, I am glad I gave it another look.  I will wait until the end of The Cove to decide if I will go onto the next one.   I also like to have that familiar series to turn back to.  I have a few so, maybe this could be another one.

I was wondering which character is taken through the series.  But it sounds from Stephanie's description that they aren't related that way.  Hmmm, that's a little different.  Usually its a character I like to follow.  

Thanks for the encouragement!


Sailorslady avatar
Date Posted: 5/6/2009 11:22 AM ET
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I can't remember if Agents Dillon and Savich show up in The Cove or not.  Those two are the continuing threads through this FBI series.  They're both really likable characters.

vintagejoy avatar
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Date Posted: 5/6/2009 5:42 PM ET
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Yes, Dillon Savich and Lacey Sherlock are continuing characters in the FBI series.  There are also a couple others, like the head of their bureau that is an ongoing character.  I love this series and can't wait for her new one to come out. It is due out 6/23 and is called "Knockout"

If you like this series you may also like Margeret Trumans Capitol Crime series featuring Mackenzie Smith and Annabel Reed.

3pete avatar
Date Posted: 5/7/2009 9:20 AM ET
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I am enjoying the story now.   Not sure what happened in the beginning.  But, if felt like a cozy when I wasn't expecting one.  The little town with the old people, ice cream.   Wasn't getting it.  Its definitely picked up and has become a page turner.  I hope to finish it on this rainy day.

We have met up with Dillon Savich at the point I am at now.   Interesting to have a recurring character turn up later in a book.   I want to smack Sally/Susan for her behavior towards James.

Edited to respond to Joy:  I will check that series out.   Margaret Truman.  Haven't heard of her.  Thanks for the suggestion.

Last Edited on: 5/7/09 9:22 AM ET - Total times edited: 1