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Favorite Recipes: Creamsicle cake

Recipe Author

Name: Abbie V.
Total Recipes: 1



Creamsicle cake

Dish: Quick & Easy
Dish Type: Other
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 8
Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 0

  • 1 10 oz can - mandarin oranges, drained
  • 1 8 oz pkg - COOL WHIP
  • 1 3 oz box - orange JELLO
  • 1 pint - orange sherbet, frozen

Put cut up pieces of angel food cake in 9 x 13 cake pan.  Cut mandarin oranges into small pieces and place on top of cake.

Dissolve JELLO in 1 cup of boiling water.

Fold orange sherbet into JELLO until smooth. 

Add thawed COOL WHIP to JELLO and blend.

Pour mixture over cake and refrigerate for at least one hour.

You can also make substituting strawberry JELLO and strawberries!



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Veronica N. (VeronicaNagy)
8/17/2008 1:51 PM ET
question: Do you make the package of jello then mix in the sherbet or do you add the dry package of jello to the sherbet and then blend in cool whip?