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Topic: Credit Question

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Subject: Credit Question
Date Posted: 9/29/2007 7:14 PM ET
Member Since: 6/4/2006
Posts: 665
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I thought hardcovers were 2 credits ...  I listed a hardcover cookbook and only received 1 credit ... Did I miss something?

melanied avatar
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Date Posted: 9/29/2007 7:18 PM ET
Member Since: 8/16/2007
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All paper books are 1 credit regardless of binding. Audio books are worth 2 credits.

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Date Posted: 9/29/2007 7:19 PM ET
Member Since: 6/4/2006
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DUH!!!!!!  lolol  It just dawned on me what I was thinking...  I think I just had one of those "brain farts"  lol  Now I feel foolish!

drewsmom avatar
Date Posted: 9/29/2007 7:56 PM ET
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Don't feel foolish Janet, I found my keys in the fridge a few days ago.

grendelynn avatar
Date Posted: 9/29/2007 7:57 PM ET
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Nope it's 1 credit--audiobooks are two credits.