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Topic: DEAN KOONTZ Do you think he is funny?

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Subject: DEAN KOONTZ Do you think he is funny?
Date Posted: 10/31/2007 10:08 PM ET
Member Since: 4/16/2006
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My husband and I just completed listening to Dean Koontz'  audio tape "Tick Tock", we found it enormously funny, maybe it was just the girl character and the mom, but we really enjoyed it.  We have never read his books, does any one else think he is a kick?

April0409 avatar
Date Posted: 11/1/2007 1:35 AM ET
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I think he can be very funny when he wants to be. On the flipside, he can also be extremely morbid and graphic when he wants to be. :) I just love Dean Koontz's work!
Catspaw avatar
Date Posted: 11/1/2007 12:26 PM ET
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He can be.  So much about what is funny can be a matter of tone of voice too.  I haven't listened to any of his audio books, so it may be completely different from the way I read.

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Date Posted: 11/1/2007 1:28 PM ET
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I love his books. They are all on my keeper shelf. Tick Tock is one of his funnier books.
sarahstorms avatar
Date Posted: 11/1/2007 1:45 PM ET
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i can't stand him because he always says "fronds."  i find myself waiting for it in every book of his i've read.

Bonnie avatar
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Date Posted: 11/2/2007 11:46 AM ET
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Fronds.  Hmm...I know exactly what you mean.  Even though I used to long long ago read Kathleen Woodiwiss, over and over, it drove me nuts always being on edge waiting for her to use "arms akimbo."  Then my tastes changed, again, and I just stopped reading her.


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Dory -
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Date Posted: 11/2/2007 1:46 PM ET
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I used to love Koontz, but for some reason I started getting bored with his books. Just like with Stephen King I guess, his writing style just seemed stale to me. Maybe his newer books are better. I have a bunch of Koontz hardcovers on my shelf that used to be keepers (older books) but I recently decided that I didn't want them anymore. I was surprised that they aren't moving seeing how popular he is. Maybe there are just too many of his books in the system huh? These hardcovers were only read once and stored in my bookcase, it took me a long time to decide to post them LOL. I would like to find them a new home :)


BrownEyesBlue avatar
Date Posted: 11/3/2007 10:11 AM ET
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I think Dean Koontz's older books were his better ones. Some I the later ones I've just not been able to get into and enjoy. But for awhile I read everything he wrote.

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Kim (Mistry) -
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Date Posted: 11/3/2007 1:44 PM ET
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Some of his stuff can be funny, and Ticktock is a favorite of mine, too.  I've also recently purged many of my hardcover DK's, I just never read them again, and some of them I didn't even enjoy reading. I've got my favorites, and will keep those, though.

  And I don't remember "fronds" but I'm always on the lookout for "bougainvillea flowers" to pop up in someone's front yard! LOL