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Favorite Recipes: Dad's Garden Fresh Pasta

Recipe Author

Name: Tom C. (Tommy)
Total Recipes: 1



Dad's Garden Fresh Pasta

Dish: Fun & Easy
Dish Type: Pastas & Noodles
Cooking Method: Stove Top
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 2
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 10 min
Book Recipes:

  • - olive oil
  • several cloves - garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 or 2 - hot peppers finely chopped (yellow wax, cayenne, jalapeņo, whatever)
  • a few sprigs - fresh parsley
  • 1 handful - fresh basil (coarsely chopped)
  • 1 or 2 - roma tomatoes (coarsely chopped)
  • - zest & juice of half a lemon
  • - freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 or 2 tsp - rinsed and drained capers (optional)
  • 1 or 2 - finely chopped anchovies (optional)

Start boiling water with a little salt for the pasta.

Splash some olive oil in a small skillet on medium heat.

Chop the garlic and peppers and add to the hot oil with some black pepper.

Add the pasta to your boiling water and set a timer according to directions on the package.  Stir occasionally.

Lightly sauté the peppers and garlic, and then turn down the heat. (don’t let it burn!)

While the pasta is boiling, chop the tomatoes, parsley and basil, and set aside.

Drain the pasta when done.

While the pasta is in the colander, add the tomatoes, parsley, and basil to the peppers and garlic.  Add the anchovies and capers if desired.

Turn the heat back up for a minute or so just to get everything nice and hot.

Add the lemon zest and squeeze the juice into the mixture.  Stir everything and remove from the heat.  (substitute bottled juice if you don’t have fresh lemon)

Dump the pasta into a large bowl, pour on the sauce, and toss.

Total time is just 10 or 15 minutes.



Serves one or two with leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch.

As you can see, the amounts are very flexible.  So are the ingredients.  Before I make this, I usually take a walk to the garden and just start picking whatever looks good.  I've made it with tuna, sometimes with fresh green beans, or broccoli.  Sometimes just hot peppers and garlic with a little salt & pepper.  In the winter, I've used sun-dried tomatoes and small chunks of salami or pepperoni.

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