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The Eclectic Pen - The Dark man

By: KellyAnne O. (GreenGarnet) -   + 6 more  
Date Submitted: 9/17/2009
Words: 134

  I wake in a sweat.
I sit straight up
tasting the salt
the sweat dripping
down my back.

It happened
like it always does
I walked down the same street
saying good bye to david
as im rounding the corner
to my house,
The dark man is waiting.

I stop in my tracks
and try to scream
but only a mere whimper
escapes my lips.

the dark man
touches me with fingers
made if ice.

He pulls me roughly to him
his breathe hot and sticky
on my ear.

"im here to collect"
he whispers softly

Every night its all the same
he takes my soul,courage and strength.

He hold me tightly
and kisses my mouth

takes my breathe along with my soul
I collapse to the wet pavement
The man is grinning
and thats when i wake up

Every night the dark man takes
He takes my body along with my soul

Will i ever be rid of this nightmare?
I may never know.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by KellyAnne O. (GreenGarnet) -

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Jesse (EddyKrueger) - 9/17/2009 4:29 AM ET
Very good suspense poem. It's nice to see something different on here.
Claudia (BrokenWing) - 9/24/2009 1:36 PM ET
A very gripping, dark poem.
KellyAnne O. (GreenGarnet) - - 7/12/2010 12:03 PM ET
thanks everyone!
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