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Topic: Dead and Gone{{Spoilers}}

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Booksmart1 avatar
Subject: Dead and Gone{{Spoilers}}
Date Posted: 5/14/2009 5:25 PM ET
Member Since: 9/7/2005
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Has anyone else read this one yet? What did you think?

I can't wait for the next one but I felt like this one wasn't as fleshed out as Ms. Harris' books usually are. It felt like everyone was mad or keeping secrets and then bang, big finale! I don't really know how I feel.

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Date Posted: 5/15/2009 8:48 AM ET
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I read this last week. I loved it too but it kind of felt like a teaser book.  A short one that was written to please the fans until she comes out wiht a longer one. I was a little disappointed that she kind of wrapped up the Fairy aspect.  Maybe she'll bring them back.  I liked that she complicated Sookie and Eric's relationship a little more. I didn't really see the point of bringing Quinn back for that brief little meeting.  But then-maybe he'll be back again and that was just a teaser. 

It just felt like the whole book was setting up possible plot lines for the next book.  Which did what was intended (for me anyway) and make me really want the next book to come out!

Booksmart1 avatar
Date Posted: 5/15/2009 8:51 AM ET
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That's kind of what I felt to but I thought that about the last one. I don't know what the Quinn thing was about! The fairy thing was such a throw away thing especially with what Sookie went through.

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Date Posted: 5/15/2009 12:14 PM ET
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I really enjoyed Dead and Gone.  I thought that the last book in the series was getting kind of messy with all of the characters and plot angles.  I think that Harris maybe cleared up some of the loose ends so that the books can go in a different direction.  Although I have no idea what the Quinn thing was.  At this point he should just be gone. 

Booksmart1 avatar
Date Posted: 5/15/2009 2:24 PM ET
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I didn't really like Bill very much in the first few books but I have to say he is growing on me. I hope he lives. I'm really ambivalent about Jason. I do think she was clearing some stuff up but why throw in the fairy war and rush it? I can't wait for the next book as I think there will have to be more meat in it. She didn't really touch on the new regime as much as I thought she would.

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Date Posted: 5/22/2009 10:16 PM ET
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When is the next book?  I know there is a collection of short stories coming next, but when is #10?

I didn't care for Niall - felt like he is leading up to something that's not going to be so good - don't believe he'll just pack up his tent and go back to the other side!

I still don't care for Bill, never did, but Eric - whoa!  Keep fanning me!  I hope she winds up with Eric, or at least develops the relationship.

I think CH brought Quinn back so Sookie could realize and express that she wanted to come first to someone, not after someone or something else...and that could be a wrench in Sookie and Eric, because his duties come first to him (at least when he doesn't have amnesia!).

I want Sam to fall in love - not with Sookie - but with someone!

Last Edited on: 5/22/09 10:20 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
sevenspiders avatar
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Date Posted: 6/16/2009 5:29 PM ET
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I liked this one a lot better than the last one, and although Bill has grown on me I really want Sookie to stay with Eric.

rhyta avatar
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Date Posted: 8/12/2009 3:09 AM ET
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I finally read Dead and Gone after re-reading the other books this summer.  I felt a bit let down by the ending, what was all that fuss about stopping the evil faeries if the good ones in the end leave after all?  I really didn't like the way Claudine was taken out, very sad.

I kept expecting Eric and Bill to have a duel in this one, with that cover- that's what I thought was going to happen...