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Topic: Deal on Mailing Envelopes This Week

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bkwrm avatar
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Subject: Deal on Mailing Envelopes This Week
Date Posted: 4/13/2009 11:49 PM ET
Member Since: 7/27/2006
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I just wanted to let my fellow swappers know about a good deal at Walgreen's this week.  I am not sure if Walgreen's is available in everyone's area or not  - However, they have the brown Scotch bubble wrap mailing envelopes up to 8 1/2 x 11 size for 3/$1.00 this week with a coupon out of their weekly flyer.  The flyer is usually always available near the front entrance of the store.  Their is a limit of 6.  I purchased 6 today and it was a savings of $7.00.  I plan to go back tomorrow and purchase 6 more if they still have them.   While I have been able to purchase the smaller mailer at the dollar type stores for fairly reasonable this is a pretty good deal for the larger envelopes.  Hope this will at least benefit a few of you anyway. Happy Swapping!!!

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Date Posted: 4/14/2009 10:09 AM ET
Member Since: 7/11/2007
Posts: 245
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I might have to snatch up a couple of those.

SunnyOK avatar
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Date Posted: 4/15/2009 10:42 PM ET
Member Since: 5/25/2007
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Thanks Mary!

I hadn't looked at that flyer yet this week and I'm getting low on the bigger ones.

We've only had our Walgreens here a year, but it was a favorite store at our previous residence!

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Ella S. (sls) - ,
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Date Posted: 4/17/2009 11:08 PM ET
Member Since: 1/18/2009
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Mary thanks to you I stopped by Walgreens today and picked up several. That is a great buy!!