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Favorite Recipes: The Dirty Dan Egg Sandwich

Recipe Author

Name: Sam M. (theloneranger) -
Total Recipes: 1



The Dirty Dan Egg Sandwich

Dish: Brunch
Dish Type: Eggs
Cooking Method: Skillet
Difficulty: 2 / 10
Servings: Can be tweaked for more servings
Prep Time: N/A
Cook Time: 5-15 minutes

  • 2 Slices - Texas Toast
  • 2 - Eggs
  • 1-2 teaspoon - Cayenne Pepper
  • 1-2 tablespoon - Bacon bits
  • 1-2 tablespoon - Butter
  • 2 Slices - Pepper Jack Cheese

1.) Crack your eggs into a small bowl and beat them with a fork, like you would if you were preparing scrambled eggs.

2.) Add and mix in the bacon bits and cayenne. Make sure they are distributed nicely throughout the egg mixture

2.) Have a pan heating up on your stove(Med-High)  while you arrange the other ingredients.

3.) On a small plate, you should have your two pieces of texas toast. Place a slice of the pepper jack cheese on each slice of bread.

4.) Now, carefully pour the egg mixture into the pan. Make sure to have a spatula at hand, it is going to move pretty quickly from here on out.

5.) Once the egg is in the pan, begin pulling the mixture towards the center of the pan. We are aiming for a square-ish pattie. Just alternate from coming at the mixture from different directions, always pulling to the center.

6,) After the egg look moderately conjealed (Not really sure how long, make your own call) flipp then press down.

7.) Check regularly to find when it is done (Golden brown= you came real close to over cooking, but is okay)

8.) Now move the pattie directly onto one slice of bread, then top it with the other piece (Cheese side down).

9.) Butter the top slice of  the sandwich, then place it into the pan, butter side down.

10.) Press the sandwich down and butter the naked side, from here on out you are basically making a grilled cheese sandwich.

11.) Flip the sandwich once golden brown or darker (depending on prefernce) and press down.

12.) Once both sides are done, remove the sandwich and place it onto a plate.

13.) ENJOY!!!!





This is a variation of the Dan Pashman Scrambled Egg and Cheese sandwich. Dan Pashman came up with the pattie technique. I learned about it the Sporkful, which is a podcast he cohosts. Here is a video link of him making the original sandwich . Adjust the cayenne to your own tastes. Do not add milk or water into the egg mixture, since the goal of the sandwich is to be dense and stay together. Enjoy!

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Sherry T.
7/15/2011 4:11 AM ET
Hey Sam, The Lone Ranger, This looks really cool. I'm a big fan of grilled cheese sandwiches.