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The Eclectic Pen - My Dream Kiss

By: Roy B. (mountdewboy)   + 20 more  
Date Submitted: 1/8/2009
Last Updated: 1/18/2009
Genre: Romance » General
Words: 244

  I come out of the store and see her from a distance
Then a few hours later, she appears out of nowhere
My mind can’t stop picturing her against me

I let my eyes start to undress and exposing your curves
While the rain makes it colder, upon your breast
But the heat is rising through our souls

I can see the lighting, in your eyes
And feel the roaring thunder, coming out of your chest
With the wind stirring around our bodies

I can feel your passion getting deeper through your touch
When my fingers do a slow dance through your long silky hair
The scent of coconuts that evaporates off those long strands

Now that the fireplace is sending up flickering lights
I can see the reflection off the center of your irises
The perfect vision that can’t be reproduced

As our body’s get closer and we make our way to the floor
The softness of your skin when it brushes up against mine
Makes the burn and yearn for you so much more

Our bodies begin to entwine like two snakes in the grass
And I can feel your hot slippery juices upon your thighs
Mingling with my fingers, as you are drawing closer to me

With my dream coming true I trust your lips will meet all my desires
I yearn to feel our lips together and taste your inner mouth
As the gap between us is shrinking, our lips almost touching

I’m awaken to the sound in the distance
The alarm beside my bed
It’s time to get up

15 Dec 2008

Roy W. Bair

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Roy B. (mountdewboy)

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