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Topic: dueling book requests

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Subject: dueling book requests
Date Posted: 7/25/2007 5:05 PM ET
Member Since: 4/23/2006
Posts: 4
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I received a reminder list book the other day, but the person had only accepted my request a day earlier according to the page listing.  Which seemed odd to me.  Now I discover that the book came from Sender #1, who for some reason canceled the request nine days after they had accepted.  I have another exact copy on the way from Sender #2, who I had thought was Sender #1, just having failed to mark the book mailed.  I don't really want 2 copies of the same book, but I don't want to punish Sender #2, who hasn't done anything wrong.  Anyone have this happen to them before?  Any suggestions?

Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 7/25/2007 5:15 PM ET
Member Since: 8/10/2005
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If you click on the Help Center and look down under "Quick Help" there is a topic that says "Help! I received 2 copies of the same book" or something like that. Click there and it will give you the possible scenarios and what you should do. I tried to copy/paste it here for you, but it won't work on my stupid work computer for some reason, sorry! LOL


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Date Posted: 7/26/2007 12:14 PM ET
Member Since: 4/23/2006
Posts: 4
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Thanks, I appreciate it!