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TheSampleLady avatar
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Subject: EW! EW! EW! GET ME SOME GERM-X!!!
Date Posted: 8/30/2007 5:19 PM ET
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I got the grossest book ever today. Not only is the cover coming off, but also it is chewed to bits through page 128 by some animal, covered in pet hair and yellow stains. EW!EW!EW! WHY SEND OUT BOOKS LIKE THIS?!?!?!


I marked that it came with a problem. I wrote to the sender. I asked for my credit back. We'll see what happens.

I am repulsed by this book. I was so looking forward to reading it, too.

BondGirl avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 5:20 PM ET
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Sorry to hear about the book you received Michelle.  I hope your sender will be the gracious person and return your credit.

Good luck.


CrystalRose avatar
Date Posted: 8/30/2007 5:21 PM ET
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ewwwwww!! Sorry to hear you got a book like that. Sounds really gross!! I hope the sender gives you your credit back.

Mistry avatar
Kim (Mistry) -
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 5:45 PM ET
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Ick! Sorry that happened to you! I sometimes wonder what little world some of these people live in that it's okay to send out a totally gross book like that!  Hope you washed your hands! LOL

nashvillethecat avatar
Date Posted: 8/30/2007 5:53 PM ET
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Yick!  That definitely did not happen in a postal machine unless some postal worker drives around with a rabid dog with a weak bladder in the mail truck.  How awful!

lildrafire avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 6:03 PM ET
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Nasty---not only would I be grossed out I'd be MAD!  There is NO excuse for sending a piece of trash like that---it isn't like it isn't obvious that the book is FUBAR....not a questionable situation at all.  This just irritates the crap out of me--UGH!

TheSampleLady avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 6:35 PM ET
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I am still just grossed out. I'm no germophobe, but this is crossing the line. I have the book here with me in case I need some sort of evidence.

It's Nora Roberts...Birthright. I've never read her before, and everyone seems to like her, so I thought I'd give her a try. NOT touching this book, though. I'll have to reorder it.

TheSampleLady avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 6:38 PM ET
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This person's profile says that they have no pets. This book and the tap on the envelope are COVERED in pet hair, and this is definitely animal-chewed.

Not real thrilled to see they've claimed no pets. They definitely have some sort of animal.

drewsmom avatar
Date Posted: 8/30/2007 6:39 PM ET
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Do Tammy's monkey's have their own bookshelf?

TheSampleLady avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 6:51 PM ET
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aw, Tammy! Can't you control your wayward monkeys? Well, on the bright side, at least they didn't sling fecal matter on the pages. ;)

lildrafire avatar
T. -
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 7:33 PM ET
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Now, Michelle--I might have some monkey hair in the tape of books I sent, but I do wipe the poop off of the books with my pants leg before I send them out.  It would break my heart if my apes didn't help me get my books ready for mailing.

Did you every hear from the (real) sender?

TheSampleLady avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 7:50 PM ET
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I haven't heard anything back yet. It's only been about three hours. I wonder how many bad books a person can send out before their account is in jeopardy. Anyone know the magic number?

JeffersonsAmbrosia avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 8:32 PM ET
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oh icky icky ick ick. that grosses me out.

If you still need it..Iam pretty sure i have a like new copy of Birthright in a box of books i bought that has 87 nora titles. I do have pets but the books are all locked away in a library away from them. and this one hasnt even come out of the box yet.

*hands you some germ x*

Grnemae avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 11:40 PM ET
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It really bothers me that some PBS members seem to think that the posting rules apply to everyone but them.  Michelle, I am so sorry that you got a gross book.  I would have been grossed out also if I had gotten a book in that condition.

StephanieW avatar
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Date Posted: 8/31/2007 1:15 AM ET
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I definitely sympathize with your situation.

I once opened up an envelope and discovered a book with a distinct yellow stain on most of the pages and which smelled, even at a distance, of urine. I immediately picked it up with a paper towel and threw it in the trash can. My envelope and book didn't seem to contain any pet hairs, so I have no way of knowing if the delightful yellow  urine stain was made by a pet...or a human. Either way, it disgusts me that someone would send this out. (I mean, don't people understand potential health and sanitation risks?!)

pondfrogs avatar
Date Posted: 8/31/2007 8:34 AM ET
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I also just got a book yesterday with obvious yellow liquid stain/damage to the first quarter of the book. it had to have been there before mailing as it was in a plastic bag.  there's no way someone would have missed this even if they themselves hadn't read still have to look at the book when you wrap it.  it's frustrating to get a book that shouldn't have been posted.  I pm'd the sender and haven't heard back yet.  good luck with yours michelle. 

ABCatHome avatar
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Date Posted: 8/31/2007 10:05 AM ET
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So I guess that book that I dropped in the scummy kids pool outside shouldn't be mailed?  Bummer!  I was hoping to get away with that one!

Man, Michelle, you're just SOOOO tough to please!  Who woudln't want a nasty book like that??

LOL  Okay, I'm just joshing you.  I feel bad for one should have to deal with that.

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 8/31/2007 10:36 AM ET
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Michelle, when you ordered the book, did it cancel and go to someone else? You said the profile of the sender was no pets, and I wondered if there was a cancel before that the person who timed out might have mailed the book.

Bernie avatar
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Date Posted: 8/31/2007 10:57 AM ET
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Julie, I thought it might be Tammy's mokey's as well. *lol*

TheSampleLady avatar
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Date Posted: 8/31/2007 12:07 PM ET
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no, it was the original sender.

skywaywaver avatar
Date Posted: 8/31/2007 12:40 PM ET
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That is disgusting!!!  Makes me wonder what people are thinking when they send out books like that.  Probably the same sort of people that pee all over the seat and don't flush in public bathrooms *eye roll*

TheSampleLady avatar
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Date Posted: 8/31/2007 12:52 PM ET
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The sender did refund me my credit, but did not reply to my PM. I wonder if this sender makes a habit of sending out bad books and takes the chance of having to return credits. I wonder how often people do not complain about a bad book.

There are one of two possibilities for this problem book: Either the sender is an irresponsible pet owner (who needs to take that line of pet-free home out of the profile) or the sender bought / was given this book in this condition (which should never have been purchased or accepted, let alone posted.

I don't see the books I get here as "free". Every book costs me either roughly $2.13 or $3.75 if I buy credits (which I often do). I expect decent quality. The few problem books I've gotten here (out of about 100 total) have been big problems...nasty stains, cleaved spine, pet-chewed and soiled...However, most of the books I get are in pristine condition.

Anyway, my point is that the "problem books" I get are impossible to be oversights. The damage is distinct and plainly visible to the naked eye.

Let me ask this question again...Does anyone know how many problem books you can send out before your account is (what? suspended? in question? deleted?)? Anyone?

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 8/31/2007 1:48 PM ET
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Does anyone know how many problem books you can send out before your account is (what? suspended? in question? deleted?)?

While I am SO curious as to the answer to that question, I would think that it's best not to divulge that information. Here's why.

Let's say that this person is one who sends out lots of bad books, counting on the newbies and other folks to not report the bad condition of the book, and ends up making a "profit" of credits by being willing to refund the credit for the few bad reports. 

Now let's say that R&R announce just how the accounts are flagged. The person above can now send out bad books with impunity, because s/he will know exactly how often and how many books s/he can get away with, and never be flagged to R&R's attention.

Nope. I think it's best that R&R keep that bit of information to themselves....

pondfrogs avatar
Date Posted: 8/31/2007 2:06 PM ET
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michelle, I'm glad you received your credit back.  I got mine back also with no comment from the sender.

today I got another water damaged one, affecting the whole back half of the book.    unfortunatley I accidentally jsut marked it received so there will be no record of it having a problem.  I did pm the sender but I don't expect a reply.

I also know that these damaged books had to have been noticed by the senders before they mailed them out. 

like you, I have had really good books come to me but it's frustrating when you get 2 bad ones in a row  :-(

DaniLynn avatar
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Date Posted: 8/31/2007 3:23 PM ET
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Does anyone know how many problem books you can send out before your account is (what? suspended? in question? deleted?)?

I don't think there is a particular preset number.  I think it's more of a ratio issue.  Someone who has shipped out 500 books and has had 2 or 3 complaints obviously wouldn't be as bad as someone who has shipped out 10 books with 2 or 3 problems.  I think
