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Favorite Recipes: Easy Peach Cobbler

Recipe Author

Name: Catherine J. (mooseandwife) - ,
Total Recipes: 1



Easy Peach Cobbler

Dish: Quick & Easy
Dish Type: Peach
Cooking Method: Baked
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 4-6
Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 20 mins

  • 1 Cup - Flour
  • 1 Cup - Sugar
  • 1 Stick - Butter
  • Lrg Can - Peaches

In Large mixing bowl add flour, sugar, and butter.

Mix with hands until you creat a beady thick mixture. Almost looks like tiny gritty dough balls.

Set mix aside.

Put undrained peaches in medium sized casseroule dish. If using fresh peaches add water till peaches are half way submerged.

Sprinkle dough mixture on top of peaches until there is a thick layer over complete top. May see some peach edges sticking out.

Put dish into preheated 325 degree oven and bake until crust is a nice brown. Usually about 20 minutes depending on oven.

Let cool and serve.....


Fresh Peaches can be used. You can leave skin on or take skin off. Usually requires 6-8 peaches depending on size.

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