Preheat oven to 200 degrees,(yes 200 degrees) Dice Onions and celery, set aside.Tear bread into large chunks taking care not to mash it as the stuffing will be tough if you do and put into largest pans you have, you may have to use several. You will need to have 1 or two other people help you with this as your hands will be very sticky when you are done. On top of the bread put an equal mixture of the onions and celery. Ok here is the fun part, in each pan put in three eggs and start mixing with your hands having another person add a little bit of milk and more eggs at a time.As I said before, the more you handle the bread the tougher it will be! So don't smash the bead! You want this mixture to be throughly moist but not sopping wet. You will have to use your judgement on this one, I would rather it be a little dry than runny as the turkey juice will keep it from being too dry. When you have done this set aside and wash hands and yes those arms too. Take your roasting bag and put it in a veryLARGE baking roasting pan and place a layer of stuffing on the bottom Take your Turkey and make sure all gizzards, liver.. etc. are out of it. Don't forget to remove the neck too. Rinse the Turkey well and stuff, stuff, stuff. Don't forget to stuff the neck too. Place in the roasting bag and put remaining stuffing around the turkey in the bag. Tie the bag shut and put it in the oven. You are going to bake this over-night at 200 degrees. When you get up in the morning turn the turkey up to the temp according to package directions and cook until browned,, and the little indicator has popped up on the turkey.
Cooking the turkey this way will make sure you have a very tender and juicy turkey. If you don't like stuffing you can still use this method. Just omit the stuffing and place directly in the bag and bake over night. This is an almost fool proof way of having a wonderful turkey! Won't your In-laws be so surprised when they see and smell this delightful bird this Thanksgiving??