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Topic: Eat, Pray, Love (no spoilers, please!)

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L. G. (L)
Subject: Eat, Pray, Love (no spoilers, please!)
Date Posted: 8/5/2007 2:59 PM ET
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I was lucky to pick up a damaged copy of this yesterday, for nothing - I have just started reading it, and man, I *love* the writing style!  I feel like I am listening to my best friend talk.  I have added it to my WL in HC because I think it may become a keeper for me.  Did anyone else read it?  Thoughts?

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Date Posted: 8/5/2007 3:21 PM ET
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I have not read it.I just bought a copy from Half-com.There is over one hundred people waiting to read it.There is 445 people waiting for the copy I just bought.

Last Edited on: 8/5/07 3:23 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Page5 avatar
Date Posted: 8/5/2007 3:40 PM ET
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I didn't really care for it - the first part was just too whiny for my taste, India and Indonesia are a little more interesting IMHO.  I read a lot of memoirs but I prefer historical ones.

Glad you are enjoying it :-)

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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 8/5/2007 4:29 PM ET
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Anne - it's amazing how many people have it wishlisted, eh?  I just paired down my wishlist tremendously a week or so ago, and I took the HC off. :/

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Date Posted: 8/5/2007 4:51 PM ET
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L: I could not beleive how how many people were on the wishlist.The book sounds good.I cannot wait to read it.

Caryn9802 avatar
Date Posted: 8/5/2007 5:13 PM ET
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I did read it and I thought it was great!  I love how the book is divided into three sections and such divided again.  It really makes you think.

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Date Posted: 8/5/2007 5:13 PM ET
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 Eat,Pray ,Love is my favorite book of all time.And i read a book every one to two weeks.I'm now reading Snow Flower and the Secret Fan which I'm  really enjoying.After I'm done I'm going to read Eat,Pray,Love again. if it's on your wishlist it will be well worth the wait.


krisbooks avatar
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Date Posted: 8/5/2007 5:45 PM ET
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A friend suggested I read it because we both went to college with the author's sister.  I'm glad she recommended the book -- I really enjoyed it!

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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 12:02 PM ET
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I really liked it.  I think her quest to find herself and answers was something I could relate to. I think I read it in 2 sittings. 

LaurieAnne avatar
Date Posted: 8/7/2007 2:40 PM ET
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Truthfully this was a book I just could NOT get into. I tried so hard to like it because I had heard many people say how good it was, but I really just hated it and stopped trying about halfway through. To each there own I guess.


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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 9:46 PM ET
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I had a similar take on it ... at first. Her gushing over Italy was a real turn-off for me, but I stuck through that, and was glad I did so. The second section on India was my favorite, especially her friend Richard-from-Texas. Indonesia for me fell somewhere between the other two. I should mention I listened to the author read the unabridged version as an download.

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Date Posted: 8/8/2007 8:58 AM ET
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 I liked this book a lot, especially the first section about Rome/Italy. Some of the other parts seemed a little heavy on the "navel gazing," but overall I thought it was great.

  But how, or what, would be a spoiler for a book like this?

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Date Posted: 8/8/2007 10:01 PM ET
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A friend gave me this book as a gift and I put off reading it because I don't normally like what I perceive as religious books.  Once I started it, however, I couldn't put it down.  It's highly spiritual, but NOT religious (if that makes sense).  I felt there was something there for everyone.  I've got numerous passages marked with post-it strips; the book's a definite keeper for me.  Italy was my favorite section, although I liked them all.

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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 8/9/2007 6:52 AM ET
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Betty wrote: But how, or what, would be a spoiler for a book like this?

LOL..just telling what happens, in any detail. :)

I am about 70 pages in now...still loving it!

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Date Posted: 8/9/2007 5:23 PM ET
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I loved it. It was my favorite book of 2006.

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Date Posted: 8/11/2007 3:50 PM ET
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This books is on my top ten for 2007 so far.  I loved it.  I was so taken by it that I felt the need to write to the author.  After writing the letter I got it out of my system and didn't send but I COULD HAVE.  Enjoy.

I bought it brand new through amazon because a friend called and practically screamed at me saying BUY IT NOW.  She's always right on the money with book recommendations.


imamommyof2 avatar
Date Posted: 9/19/2007 12:22 AM ET
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i just saw this book at the local bookstore today, wasnt sure about it think im going to look for it at the library first being there are so many mixed reviews

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Date Posted: 9/19/2007 8:26 AM ET
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I just finished it (and am waiting for the next wish-lister to decide whether or not he/she wants my copy....)  I liked the author's humorous writing style.  I also related to many of her thoughts and feelings; perhaps because we are the same age.  I enjoyed the Italy and Indonesian chapters, but did not enjoy the India chapter.  The India chapter focused on spirituality, yoga, meditiation etc. but IMHO the other chapters were more universal because they discussed love, food, and friendship.

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Date Posted: 9/22/2007 8:10 AM ET
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Elizabeth Gilbert is going to be on  Oprah on Friday October 5 talking about her book eat pray  love. I am going to try and finish reading the book before then.

Last Edited on: 9/22/07 8:12 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
PinkyMac avatar
Date Posted: 9/22/2007 5:07 PM ET
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It's on my WL. I'm 414 of 584. *Big sigh* The list seems to be moving pretty fast though and I'm not hurting for things to read so I'll be patient :)

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Date Posted: 9/23/2007 10:01 AM ET
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I just bought it on Ebay.  I read the first few pages on Oprah's website and was hooked.

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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 9/23/2007 1:11 PM ET
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Thanks, for the heads-up, Anne - I will have to see it!

I am still in the middle of the book - life has gotten in the way of my reading, LOL...but I ove it!

ThreeCats avatar
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Date Posted: 9/23/2007 2:38 PM ET
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For those of you who enjoyed the book, there's quite an interview with the author on BeliefNet, done 9/18/07, I believe. Link:  

I don't know how long that link will be good, but one can usually find older interviews on that website by doing a search, if the link expires after a couple of weeks.



CrystalRose avatar
Date Posted: 9/23/2007 6:11 PM ET
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I read it back in August. It was a great book :)

boydheather17 avatar
Date Posted: 11/18/2009 6:29 PM ET
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I'm looking forward to reading this book.  My best friend decided that we should read it after her Boss got us copies since she loved it so

much.  I hope it's great.  I see this is an old thread, but maybe more members have things to say about it now...would love to hear it.
