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The Eclectic Pen - Eclectic Pen

By: Lena S. (SquirrelNutkin)   + 7 more  
Date Submitted: 9/14/2008
Words: 150

  So much talent swirling all around.
Ideas, thoughts and feelings abound.
One that I read makes me hold in my breath,
filling me with panic, fear and yes, dread.
Some make us feel like our heart can now soar,
while some leave us laughing and wanting for more.
Much of the work is lovely and flowing,
while others take my mind to the dark and unknowing.
I enjoy this section more than all the rest,
because I know what I'm reading is the best of the best!
I thank you all for sharing your gifts,
sharing your talents and giving us a lift.
So please keep on writing, it is a big deal.
There is no nicer gift than making someone, FEEL.

I hope this doesn't sound lame but I just wanted you all to know that I for one, and I know there are many,truly enjoy your work. Thank you for sharing with us all:)

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Lena S. (SquirrelNutkin)

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Comments 1 to 5 of 5
Joyce M. (j3m) - 9/15/2008 7:38 PM ET
Wow Lena, that is so uplifting! And I love the 'night before christmas' kind of lilt to your poem; hope you will write more for us to enjoy as well. :)
Marta J. (booksnob) - 9/16/2008 5:56 PM ET
Hurray for us!
Kelly G. - 9/21/2008 12:09 AM ET
I love it! That put a smile on my face- thank you. :) Kelly
Sabriena W. (hazeleyesrangeleyes) - 9/27/2008 2:03 PM ET
That's a really good piece. What do you mean, LAME??? That's an awesome poem. Thanks for writing it.
Stacy B. (stori) - 10/2/2008 8:22 PM ET
That was really good. Thanks for everyhing
Comments 1 to 5 of 5