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Topic: Editing book info

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Subject: Editing book info
Date Posted: 7/12/2007 12:01 PM ET
Member Since: 10/3/2006
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I'm just wondering how long it takes for edited info to show up once submitted.  I have a bunch of other edits to do, but don't want to overwhelm the system.  Thanks. :)

royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 7/12/2007 12:38 PM ET
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Don't worry about overwhelm us right now. We have a couple school teachers off for the summer and they are keeping us caught up along with the other approvers. You go right ahead and edit as many as you can every day you can! hahahaha

I just got a post that the edits were all caught up sometime this morning, so you should see your edits start hitting within 3-4 days depending on how many see this and decide to start edits also! No, seriously, all of you, go ahead and jam us up, we are ready for you!  Thank you so much for working on data and cover edits, folks, it's really going well!

Rianli avatar
Date Posted: 7/12/2007 12:42 PM ET
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Yes, thanks to the volunteers doing the editing. They are really fast in approving the edits.

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Date Posted: 7/12/2007 1:11 PM ET
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Ok,  you asked for it!  LOL

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Date Posted: 7/12/2007 1:55 PM ET
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I noticed the edits are pretty quick, too. I am always looking for new books by a certain list of authors and then I want to add them to my wishlist if they are not large print. So I check the ISBN at Amazon and if it is a large print, I submit that edit for that ISBN. I am doing it for selfish reasons, but it helps other people, too. ;)

Last Edited on: 7/12/07 1:56 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 7/12/2007 2:34 PM ET
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Allie, just so you know, the edit will not always go thru, and especially if you only checked it on Amazon, who is notoriously wrong on much of their book information!

Don't forget, when you put the description up, check for other versions of the same title, might as well add it to all fo them!!!

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Date Posted: 7/22/2007 8:16 PM ET
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When I look for books on sewing, (or any crafts for that matter), I'd rather not have to scroll thru relationship books but it seems I always do.  For example, I was looking under Home & Garden, subheading Crafts & Hobbies, sub-sub heading Sewing.  Got all kinds of books about relationships (e.g. Table Talk 365 ways to reclaim the dinner table).  This particular book comes up under 2 main headings and several subheadings.  When you try to edit it, there isn't a way to delete any of the extra headings or subheadings.  How can I request to edit them if there isn't a way to get rid of the extras? 

sassenach avatar
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Date Posted: 7/22/2007 9:23 PM ET
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Sherry, are the book info edits and the cover images approved by the same group, or are there 2 different groups for this?  I was wondering because all my info edits I did on Saturday are out there, but none of the covers.  Do the covers take longer to check out?  Some of the ones I uploaded took me forever to find...  :-)


royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 7/22/2007 9:39 PM ET
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Laurie, when you edit a book, you can now only choose ONE genre and ONE sub-genre under that genre. So, you will be eliminating all the extras. Hope that helps.

Melissa, yes, it is two different groups. Whether one takes longer or the other, is a varying answer. Depends on how many are approving that particular day. Since we all just work "whenever" and we have no schedules, we may all happen to take 3-4 days off at the exact same time, making the approvals much longer than normal.

You should not even consider worrying about your data edits or image submissions for 3-4 days. Be happy if they show sooner, but don't be dissappointed if they take as long as 6-7 days. When we get a swamp of images or edits, and fewer approvers working at the same time, you could easily see a week be normal. After a week, THEN worry or check into them. Ok?  :)

dappledart avatar
Date Posted: 7/22/2007 9:40 PM ET
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I had also noticed that my cover approvals have slowed down. They were showing up almost overnight, and now I have some submitted Friday not up yet... Still not real long, but I LIKED when I could see them the next morning.

Sarah13Rose avatar
Date Posted: 7/22/2007 9:48 PM ET
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I think that images take a little longer on the guess is the approvers are probably busy with family, or doing other things.....but it seems like during the week it only takes about a day (at least in my experience).

Also, a lot more people are working on edits and uploading images right it might just be taking longer because there are a lot more coming in to approve.


royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 7/22/2007 9:48 PM ET
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hahaha, I hear ya, Kalualani, but that's what happens when we get such a good response!

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 7/22/2007 11:03 PM ET
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I must say, I went thru my posted books last night to scan and upload covers and type in the back cover info for at least 20 books on my shelf last night and this morning all the descriptions were there.  None of the covers yet but I think the descriptions are much more important.

Today, I went thru the rest of my posted books to make sure everything at least had a cursory description in there and submitted for the rest of them.  Soon I should be able to say that EVERY book I have posted has a description with it.  I think it'll help my shelf move faster.  Who wants to choose a book with just a title and author to go on?

sarradee avatar
Date Posted: 7/23/2007 3:34 PM ET
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Sherry, are the book info edits and the cover images approved by the same group, or are there 2 different groups for this?  I was wondering because all my info edits I did on Saturday are out there, but none of the covers.  Do the covers take longer to check out?  Some of the ones I uploaded took me forever to find...  :-)

It's two different groups - however and this is really, really important.  Do not upload covers using the Edit Book Data link.  You have to use the Upload Book Covers link or the images you submit do not make it into the image approval queue.


gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 7:05 PM ET
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And today I see all the book covers are there too!

Way to go approvers!  I now have a bookshelf with cover pictures and descriptions of everything there.

js1997 avatar
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Date Posted: 7/23/2008 8:10 PM ET
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Where do I find the Upload Book Covers link?

Also, how do I volunteer to help out with the approvals?  :)

SuzyQ40 avatar
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Date Posted: 7/23/2008 8:29 PM ET
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The Upload Book Covers link is at the the bottom of the page.  You can also click on the blue "no image" and upload the cover.

Here is the link to Helping Edit:


js1997 avatar
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Date Posted: 7/23/2008 9:12 PM ET
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Thanks, Suzanne!