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Favorite Recipes: English Toffee

Recipe Author

Name: Robert M. (KazooBob) - ,
Total Recipes: 2



English Toffee

Dish: Candies & Sweets
Dish Type: Other
Difficulty: 5 / 10
Servings: 6-10
Prep Time:
Cook Time:


You need a candy thermometer.

1 C. sugar                     3 oz. choc chips
½ tsp. salt                     1 C. chopped nuts
1C. butter
¼ c. water
Cook first 4 ingredients to 300 deg (hard crack stage). Starts to turn color a little. Pour onto ungreased cookie sheet. Put chocolate chips on toffee while it’s still warm to melt. Spread chocolate.  Sprinkle with nuts. Cool. Crack into smaller pieces to serve.


The grandchildren always ask for this one.

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